VScode ExtensionsVS Code Extensions for Moox. A perfect fit for devs using the TALL-Stack - TailwindCSS, AlpineJS, Laravel and Livewire. Includes the most useful PHP Extensions, Laravel Pint, PHPStan and selected helpers and linters for all-things Laravel including Markdown. View and install on VS Marketplace PHP
Laravel Livewire
Code Quality
VSCode SettingsAdd these lines to your settings.json for code completion and emmet abbreviation:
RecommendationsThese recommended Visual Studio Code Extensions are not in this package. Install them manually, if you want. Removed in 1.0.7, replaced by Intelephense
Removed in 1.0.7, not PHP 8 compatible
Removed in 1.0.7, replaced by PHPStan
Removed in 1.0.6, deprecated, not replaced by Live Preview
Use Docker and Laravel Sail
Just for fiddling some code without starting Laravel Sail:
If you're using MySQL and don't want to leave VS Code:
If you're working on Windows with WSL2 or SSH:
If your run with Apache
SuggestionsDo you have any suggestion? Use the following template to create a new entry in this README and make a PR.
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