PHP Namespace Resolver

PHP Namespace Resolver can import and expand your class. You can also sort your imported classes by line length or in alphabetical order.

Search these commands by the title on command palette.
"title": "Import Class",
"command": "namespaceResolver.import"
"title": "Import All Classes",
"command": "namespaceResolver.importAll"
"title": "Expand Class",
"command": "namespaceResolver.expand"
"title": "Sort Imports",
"command": "namespaceResolver.sort"
"title": "Highlight Not Imported Classes",
"command": "namespaceResolver.highlightNotImported"
"title": "Highlight Not Used Classes",
"command": "namespaceResolver.highlightNotUsed"
"title": "Generate namespace for this file",
"command": "namespaceResolver.generateNamespace"
You can override these default settings according to your needs.
"namespaceResolver.exclude": "**/node_modules/**", // Exclude glob pattern while finding files
"namespaceResolver.showMessageOnStatusBar": false, // Show message on status bar instead of notification box
"namespaceResolver.autoSort": true, // Auto sort after imports
"namespaceResolver.sortOnSave": false, // Auto sort when a file is saved
"namespaceResolver.sortAlphabetically": false, // Sort imports in alphabetical order instead of line length
"namespaceResolver.sortNatural": false, // Sort imports using a 'natural order' algorithm
"namespaceResolver.leadingSeparator": true, // Expand class with leading namespace separator
"namespaceResolver.highlightOnSave": false, // Auto highlight not imported and not used when a file is saved
"namespaceResolver.highlightOnOpen": false // Auto highlight not imported and not used when a file is opened
You can override these default keybindings on your keybindings.json
"command": "namespaceResolver.import",
"key": "ctrl+alt+i",
"when": "editorTextFocus"
"command": "namespaceResolver.importAll",
"key": "ctrl+alt+a",
"when": "editorTextFocus"
"command": "namespaceResolver.expand",
"key": "ctrl+alt+e",
"when": "editorTextFocus"
"command": "namespaceResolver.sort",
"key": "ctrl+alt+s",
"when": "editorTextFocus"
"command": "namespaceResolver.highlightNotImported",
"key": "ctrl+alt+n",
"when": "editorTextFocus"
"command": "namespaceResolver.highlightNotUsed",
"key": "ctrl+alt+u",
"when": "editorTextFocus"
"command": "namespaceResolver.generateNamespace",
"key": "ctrl+alt+g",
"when": "editorTextFocus"
MIT License.
Copyright (c) 2017 Mehedi Hassan