.NET Core Essentials, a Visual Studio Code Extension Pack for .NET Core Development
Are you tired of reinstalling extensions on each of your computer(s)? How about when you have to reset computer entirely? Or, how about you're an instructor, a hobbyist, or just "getting your feet wet" in the fine craft of .NET Core development who does not know which extension(s) to select to get the job done both efficiently and effectively. Regardless, please do not waste time and energy on something so tedious as a process of installing extensions. Extensions are, in a word, awesome! Their premise is to extend the features and functionality of Visual Studio Code.
What extensions will I get by selecting this extension pack?
Glad, that you've asked! Please find the supervening extensions. Of course, I always love to hear your suggestions to improve this extension package. To do so, please create a new issue in the Issues Section. After all, the ultimate goal for this extension pack is convenience at the click of one button.
Recommended Theme for .NET Core Development
Community Material Theme: A VS Code plugin featuring the Material Theme with 'legacy' color schemes that has been embarced by the developer community.
Studio Icons: A VSCode plugin featuring official icons from the Visual Studio Image Library. Note: These icons have been color optimized to work well for dark, light, and high contrast themes.
Recommended Extensions for .NET Core Development
C# Support
C#: A VSCode plugin that provides support for:
C# editing support, including but not limited to Syntax Highlighting, IntelliSense, Go To Definition, and Find All References, respectively.
Debugging support for .NET Core (CoreCLR). NOTE: Mono debugging is not supported; whereas, Desktop CLR debugging has limited support.
Lightweight development tools for .NET Core.
Support for project.json and csproj projects on Windows, macOS, and Linux.
C# Extensions: A VSCode plugin that provides extensions in an effort to speed up development workflows.
C# IL Viewer: A VSCode plugin for IL (Intermediate Language) Viewer that allows the rapid inspection of the IL output of any given C# file.
C# Namespace Autocompletion: A VSCode plugin that pulls namespace autocompletion for C#.
C# XML Documentation Comments: A VSCode plugin that generate XML documentation comments for Visual Studio Code.
.NET Framework
ASP.NET Core: A VSCode plugin that parses your project to enable IntelliSense for Razor pages within an ASP.NET MVC project.
ASP.NET Core Switcher: A VSCode plugin that quickly switch between views, controllers, pages, page models, and Blazor components in ASP.NET Core using keybindings, context menu, or command palette.
Essential ASP.NET Core 3 Snippets: A VSCode plugin that boosts high quality code snippets that boost your ASP.NET Core development productivity.
LibMan Tools: A VSCode plugin providing LibMan support.
.NET Core Add Reference: A VSCode plugin that either adds or removes references of your .NET Core projects.
.NET Core Test Explorer: A VSCode plugin that serves as Test Explorer for .NET Core, specifically support for (1) MSTest, (2) xUnit, and (3) NUnit.
.NET Core Tools: A VSCode plugin that builds, runs, and tests .NET Core project, whether C# or F#.
.NET Core User Secrets: A VSCode plugin that supports right-selecting a .csproj file in the Explorer and select Manage User Secrets from the context menu to insert auto-generated UserSecretsId element and/or open associated secrets.json file.
Run Terminal Command: A VSCode plugin that runs predefined terminal commands from either the Explorer context menu or the Command Palette, respectively.
Super Sharp: A VSCode plugin that adds constructor injected dependencies from anywhere inside a class. Note: The refactor is available when the cursor is inside a class that contains a constructor.
VSCode-proto3: A VSCode plugin that provides Protobuf 3 support.
NuGet Functionalities
MSBuild Project Tools: A VSCode plugin that provides Intellisense for MSBuild project files, including auto-complete for elements.
NuGet Package Manager: A VSCode plugin that allows for add or remove .NET Core 1.1+ package references to and from your project's .csproj or .fsproj files using Command Palette.
NuGet Reverse Package Search: A VSCode plugin that adds the reverse .NET Core package lookup support such as the Add Package context menu item in full Visual Studio.
Path Intellisense: A VSCode plugin that autocomplete filenames.
Version Lens: A VSCode plugin displaying version information when opening a package or project for either:
Better Comments: A VSCode plugin whose premise is to create more human-friendly comments in your code, whereby you will be able to categorize your annotations into:
Bracket Pair Colorizer 2: A VSCode plugin that allows matching brackets to be identified with colours. The user can define which tokens to match, and which colours to use.
Copy Text: A VSCode plugin offers that copies text without colors, optionally adds metainfo such as the document name and its date.
EditorConfig for VS Code: A VSCode plugin that provides EditorConfig Support for VSCode.
GitIgnore: A VSCode plugin that provides language support for .gitignore files, whereby allowing you to pull .gitignore files from the gitignore repository.
GitLens — Git supercharged: A VSCode plugin that supercharges its off-the-shelf Git capabilities, including but not limited to (1) visualize code authorship at a glance via Git blame annotations and code lens, (2) seamlessly navigate and explore Git repositories, and (3) gain valuable insights via powerful comparison commands.
Highlight Trailing White Spaces: A VSCode plugin that highlights in red color trailing white spaces.
IISExpress for Visual Studio Code: A VSCode plugin that allows for running the current folder as a website using the IIS Express web server
Live Share Extension Pack: A VSCode extension pack, which includes:
MarkdownLint: A VSCode plugin that serves as its Markdown linting and style checking.
MSSQL: A VSCode plugin that supports developing Microsoft SQL Server, Azure SQL Database, and SQL Data Warehouse, whose functionalities including but not limited to:
Connect to Microsoft SQL Server, Azure SQL Database and SQL Data Warehouses.
Create and manage connection profiles and most recently used connections.
Write T-SQL script with IntelliSense, Go to Definition, T-SQL snippets, syntax colorizations, T-SQL error validations and GO batch separator.
Execute your scripts and view results in a simple to use grid.
Save the result to json or csv file format and view in the editor.
Customizable extension options including command shortcuts and more.
Paste JSON as Code: A VSCode plugin that supports such languages as TypeScript, C#, JavaScript, and JSON Schema:
Interactively generate types and (de-)serialization code from JSON, JSON Schema, and TypeScript.
Paste JSON/JSON Schema/TypeScript as code.
Quick and Simple Text Selection: A VSCode plugin that selects between including but not limited to quote, brackets, and tags.
Quokka.js: A VSCode plugin that supports rapid both JavaScript and TypeScript prototyping. Note: Runtime values are updated and displayed in the IDE next to your code, as you type.
TODO Highlight: A VSCode plugin that highlights TODO, FIXME, and other annotations within your code.
Visual Studio Keymap: A VSCode plugin that ports popular VS keyboard shortcuts. Note: After installing the extension and restarting VSCode, your favorite keyboard shortcuts from VS are now available.
Azure Support
Visual Studio Code Tips and Tricks from its Docs
It is my pledge to update this Extension Package with update extension as needed to perform the job efficiently and effectively. Likewise, the Extensions list will be categorized accordingly and more detailed information regarding plugins will be incorporated in the near future. I will certainly be on the lookup for some helpful .NET Core Development hints and tips to make your experience enjoyable. Cheers! :)
Recommended Tutorial for Visual Studio Code
Recommended .NET Tutorials
- IAMTimCorey: I highly recommend this YouTube channel for mastering .NET Development, particularly check out:
Please let me know if you know any FREE .NET Core resources that might benefit others by creating a new issue in the Issues Section.
Thank you for all the developers that built these above referenced extensions. My genuine appreciation for your hard work and dedication to the developer community. :)
Visual Studio Code Extension Packs
Please be advised that this is an "off-the-clock" passion project, whose intent is to be utilized by anyone (including my colleagues) who will derive benefit from this one-click installation of popular extensions that I felt was a relevant theme to this Extension Pack.
Signing Off
Please enjoy! Cheers!
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