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Design in the Browser Extension Pack
Design in the Browser Extension Pack is a collection of best-of-breed extensions that transforms Visual Studio Code into an integrated design environment. Aimed at designers.
Extensions Included
By installing Design in the Browser Extension Pack, the following extensions are installed:
Built-in Design Systems
📦 Bootstrap
Quickly create pages using Bootstrap 5.
📦 Bulma
Modern, CSS framework based on FlexBox
📦 Material Design
Modern responsive front-end frameworks based on Material Design (Material 2, Materialize)
📦 Ionic UI Components
Ionic UI components for desktop, mobile, and native apps
📦 Office UI Fabric
Simple components that focus on appearance and styling while showing the visual language of Microsoft Office
📦 Semantic UI
Create beautiful, responsive layouts using human-friendly HTML
📦 UIKit
Develop fast and powerful web interfaces
Rapid Prototyping
📦 Fabulous
📦 FlexBox Cheatsheet
An interactive playground and display of how to use CSS FlexBox to lay out elements on a page
📦 Icon Fonts
Quickly insert icons from Font Awesome, Ionicons, Glyphicons, Octicons, and Material Design
📦 Tachyons CSS Snippets
Tachyons CSS utility library support. Built for designing. Create fast loading, highly readable, and 100% responsive interfaces with as little css as possible.
📦 Tailwind CSS IntelliSense
Tailwind autocomplete, syntax highlighting, and linting
📦 Tailwind Docs
Easily access the Tailwind prototyping documentation from within VSCode
Live Design Previews
📦 Live Preview
Updates your prototype in your web browser automatically as you design
Great for large or two monitor setups
📦 View in Browser
Select which installed browser to view your page in
Great for viewing prototypes in multiple browsers at once
📦 Preview
Previews HTML, Markdown, and CSS style rules within VSCode
📦 Image Preview
Show image previews in the gutter and on hover
Drag & Drop Prototyping
📦 Draw.io Integration
Drag & Drop prototyping within VSCode
Includes stencils for Bootstrap, Material Design, iOS, and Android
Embeds an offline version of Draw.io within VSCode
📦 Excalidraw
Quickly draw low-fidelity UI prototypes
Includes libraries for design systems
Quick Content Creation
📦 Faker
Quickly generate realistic, fake data for names, addresses, lorem ipsum, and much more
📦 Placeholder images
Quickly generate and insert placeholder images into your designs
Great for wireframing or lo-fi prototypes
UX Design Artifact Generation
📦 TextUSM
Generate User Story Maps, Personas, Mind & Empathy Maps, and Site Maps
📦 Mermaid Editor
Create diagrams right in VSCode
Design Iterations
Accuracy & Quality
Questions & Issues
Each extension mentioned above is a separate open-source project and has its own repository with issue tracking. Select the appropriate extension link above to navigate to that project site.
Want to See Your Extension Added?
Open an Issue or Pull Request and I'll take a look.
Bringing designers and developers together!