fa5p-$-js |
Font Awesome 5 Pro js link |
fa5p-$-css |
Font Awesome 5 Pro CSS link |
fa5p-500px |
500px |
fa5p-abacus |
Abacus |
fa5p-accessible-icon |
Accessible Icon |
fa5p-accusoft |
Accusoft |
fa5p-acorn |
Acorn |
fa5p-acquisitions-incorporated |
Acquisitions Incorporated |
fa5p-ad |
Ad |
fa5p-address-book |
Address Book |
fa5p-address-card |
Address Card |
fa5p-adjust |
adjust |
fa5p-adn |
App.net |
fa5p-adversal |
Adversal |
fa5p-affiliatetheme |
affiliatetheme |
fa5p-air-freshener |
Air Freshener |
fa5p-alarm-clock |
Alarm Clock |
fa5p-algolia |
Algolia |
fa5p-alicorn |
Alicorn |
fa5p-align-center |
align-center |
fa5p-align-justify |
align-justify |
fa5p-align-left |
align-left |
fa5p-align-right |
align-right |
fa5p-alipay |
Alipay |
fa5p-allergies |
Allergies |
fa5p-amazon |
Amazon |
fa5p-amazon-pay |
Amazon Pay |
fa5p-ambulance |
ambulance |
fa5p-american-sign-language-interpreting |
American Sign Language Interpreting |
fa5p-amilia |
Amilia |
fa5p-analytics |
Analytics |
fa5p-anchor |
Anchor |
fa5p-android |
Android |
fa5p-angellist |
AngelList |
fa5p-angle-double-down |
Angle Double Down |
fa5p-angle-double-left |
Angle Double Left |
fa5p-angle-double-right |
Angle Double Right |
fa5p-angle-double-up |
Angle Double Up |
fa5p-angle-down |
angle-down |
fa5p-angle-left |
angle-left |
fa5p-angle-right |
angle-right |
fa5p-angle-up |
angle-up |
fa5p-angry |
Angry Face |
fa5p-angrycreative |
Angry Creative |
fa5p-angular |
Angular |
fa5p-ankh |
Ankh |
fa5p-app-store |
App Store |
fa5p-app-store-ios |
iOS App Store |
fa5p-apper |
Apper Systems AB |
fa5p-apple |
Apple |
fa5p-apple-alt |
Fruit Apple |
fa5p-apple-crate |
Apple Crate |
fa5p-apple-pay |
Apple Pay |
fa5p-archive |
Archive |
fa5p-archway |
Archway |
fa5p-arrow-alt-circle-down |
Alternate Arrow Circle Down |
fa5p-arrow-alt-circle-left |
Alternate Arrow Circle Left |
fa5p-arrow-alt-circle-right |
Alternate Arrow Circle Right |
fa5p-arrow-alt-circle-up |
Alternate Arrow Circle Up |
fa5p-arrow-alt-down |
Alternate Arrow Down |
fa5p-arrow-alt-from-bottom |
Alternate Arrow from Bottom |
fa5p-arrow-alt-from-left |
Alternate Arrow from Left |
fa5p-arrow-alt-from-right |
Alternate Arrow from Right |
fa5p-arrow-alt-from-top |
Alternate Arrow from Top |
fa5p-arrow-alt-left |
Alternate Arrow Left |
fa5p-arrow-alt-right |
Alternate Arrow Right |
fa5p-arrow-alt-square-down |
Alternate Arrow Square Down |
fa5p-arrow-alt-square-left |
Alternate Arrow Square Left |
fa5p-arrow-alt-square-right |
Alternate Arrow Square Right |
fa5p-arrow-alt-square-up |
Alternate Arrow Square Up |
fa5p-arrow-alt-to-bottom |
Alternate Arrow to Bottom |
fa5p-arrow-alt-to-left |
Alternate Arrow to Left |
fa5p-arrow-alt-to-right |
Alternate Arrow to Right |
fa5p-arrow-alt-to-top |
Alternate Arrow to Top |
fa5p-arrow-alt-up |
Alternate Arrow Up |
fa5p-arrow-circle-down |
Arrow Circle Down |
fa5p-arrow-circle-left |
Arrow Circle Left |
fa5p-arrow-circle-right |
Arrow Circle Right |
fa5p-arrow-circle-up |
Arrow Circle Up |
fa5p-arrow-down |
arrow-down |
fa5p-arrow-from-bottom |
Arrow from Bottom |
fa5p-arrow-from-left |
Arrow from Left |
fa5p-arrow-from-right |
Arrow from Right |
fa5p-arrow-from-top |
Arrow from Top |
fa5p-arrow-left |
arrow-left |
fa5p-arrow-right |
arrow-right |
fa5p-arrow-square-down |
Arrow Square Down |
fa5p-arrow-square-left |
Arrow Square Left |
fa5p-arrow-square-right |
Arrow Square Right |
fa5p-arrow-square-up |
Arrow Square Up |
fa5p-arrow-to-bottom |
Arrow to Bottom |
fa5p-arrow-to-left |
Arrow to Left |
fa5p-arrow-to-right |
Arrow to Right |
fa5p-arrow-to-top |
Arrow to Top |
fa5p-arrow-up |
arrow-up |
fa5p-arrows |
Arrows |
fa5p-arrows-alt |
Alternate Arrows |
fa5p-arrows-alt-h |
Alternate Arrows Horizontal |
fa5p-arrows-alt-v |
Alternate Arrows Vertical |
fa5p-arrows-h |
Arrows Horizontal |
fa5p-arrows-v |
Arrows Vertical |
fa5p-assistive-listening-systems |
Assistive Listening Systems |
fa5p-asterisk |
asterisk |
fa5p-asymmetrik |
Asymmetrik, Ltd. |
fa5p-at |
At |
fa5p-atlas |
Atlas |
fa5p-atom |
Atom |
fa5p-atom-alt |
Atom Alt |
fa5p-audible |
Audible |
fa5p-audio-description |
Audio Description |
fa5p-autoprefixer |
Autoprefixer |
fa5p-avianex |
avianex |
fa5p-aviato |
Aviato |
fa5p-award |
Award |
fa5p-aws |
Amazon Web Services (AWS) |
fa5p-axe |
Axe |
fa5p-axe-battle |
Axe Battle |
fa5p-backpack |
Backpack |
fa5p-backspace |
Backspace |
fa5p-backward |
backward |
fa5p-badge |
Badge |
fa5p-badge-check |
Check Badge |
fa5p-badge-dollar |
Badge Dollar |
fa5p-badge-percent |
Badge Percent |
fa5p-badger-honey |
Honey Badger |
fa5p-balance-scale |
Balance Scale |
fa5p-balance-scale-left |
Balance Scale (Left-Weighted) |
fa5p-balance-scale-right |
Balance Scale (Right-Weighted) |
fa5p-ballot |
Ballot |
fa5p-ballot-check |
Ballot Check |
fa5p-ban |
ban |
fa5p-band-aid |
Band-Aid |
fa5p-bandcamp |
Bandcamp |
fa5p-barcode |
barcode |
fa5p-barcode-alt |
Alternate Barcode |
fa5p-barcode-read |
Barcode Read |
fa5p-barcode-scan |
Barcode Scan |
fa5p-bars |
Bars |
fa5p-baseball |
Baseball |
fa5p-baseball-ball |
Baseball Ball |
fa5p-basketball-ball |
Basketball Ball |
fa5p-basketball-hoop |
Basketball Hoop |
fa5p-bat |
Bat |
fa5p-bath |
Bath |
fa5p-battery-bolt |
Battery Bolt |
fa5p-battery-empty |
Battery Empty |
fa5p-battery-full |
Battery Full |
fa5p-battery-half |
Battery 1/2 Full |
fa5p-battery-quarter |
Battery 1/4 Full |
fa5p-battery-slash |
Battery Slash |
fa5p-battery-three-quarters |
Battery 3/4 Full |
fa5p-bed |
Bed |
fa5p-beer |
beer |
fa5p-behance |
Behance |
fa5p-behance-square |
Behance Square |
fa5p-bell |
bell |
fa5p-bell-school |
Bell School |
fa5p-bell-school-slash |
Bell School Slash |
fa5p-bell-slash |
Bell Slash |
fa5p-bezier-curve |
Bezier Curve |
fa5p-bible |
Bible |
fa5p-bicycle |
Bicycle |
fa5p-bimobject |
BIMobject |
fa5p-binoculars |
Binoculars |
fa5p-birthday-cake |
Birthday Cake |
fa5p-bitbucket |
Bitbucket |
fa5p-bitcoin |
Bitcoin |
fa5p-bity |
Bity |
fa5p-black-tie |
Font Awesome Black Tie |
fa5p-blackberry |
BlackBerry |
fa5p-blanket |
Blanket |
fa5p-blender |
Blender |
fa5p-blender-phone |
Blender Phone |
fa5p-blind |
Blind |
fa5p-blogger |
Blogger |
fa5p-blogger-b |
Blogger B |
fa5p-bluetooth |
Bluetooth |
fa5p-bluetooth-b |
Bluetooth |
fa5p-bold |
bold |
fa5p-bolt |
Lightning Bolt |
fa5p-bomb |
Bomb |
fa5p-bone |
Bone |
fa5p-bone-break |
Bone Break |
fa5p-bong |
Bong |
fa5p-book |
book |
fa5p-book-alt |
Alternate Book |
fa5p-book-dead |
Book of the Dead |
fa5p-book-heart |
Book with Heart |
fa5p-book-open |
Book Open |
fa5p-book-reader |
Book Reader |
fa5p-book-spells |
Book of Spells |
fa5p-bookmark |
bookmark |
fa5p-books |
Books |
fa5p-booth-curtain |
Booth with Curtain |
fa5p-bow-arrow |
Bow Arrow |
fa5p-bowling-ball |
Bowling Ball |
fa5p-bowling-pins |
Bowling Pins |
fa5p-box |
Box |
fa5p-box-alt |
Alternate Box |
fa5p-box-ballot |
Box Ballot |
fa5p-box-check |
Box Check |
fa5p-box-fragile |
Box Fragile |
fa5p-box-full |
Box Full |
fa5p-box-heart |
Box with Heart |
fa5p-box-open |
Box Open |
fa5p-box-up |
Box Up |
fa5p-box-usd |
Box with US Dollar |
fa5p-boxes |
Boxes |
fa5p-boxes-alt |
Alternate Boxes |
fa5p-boxing-glove |
Boxing Glove |
fa5p-braille |
Braille |
fa5p-brain |
Brain |
fa5p-briefcase |
Briefcase |
fa5p-briefcase-medical |
Medical Briefcase |
fa5p-broadcast-tower |
Broadcast Tower |
fa5p-broom |
Broom |
fa5p-browser |
Browser |
fa5p-brush |
Brush |
fa5p-btc |
fa5p-bug |
Bug |
fa5p-building |
Building |
fa5p-bullhorn |
bullhorn |
fa5p-bullseye |
Bullseye |
fa5p-bullseye-arrow |
Bullseye Arrow |
fa5p-bullseye-pointer |
Bullseye Pointer |
fa5p-burn |
Burn |
fa5p-buromobelexperte |
Büromöbel-Experte GmbH & Co. KG. |
fa5p-bus |
Bus |
fa5p-bus-alt |
Bus Alt |
fa5p-bus-school |
Bus School |
fa5p-business-time |
Business Time |
fa5p-buysellads |
BuySellAds |
fa5p-cabinet-filing |
Filing Cabinet |
fa5p-calculator |
Calculator |
fa5p-calculator-alt |
Alternate Calculator |
fa5p-calendar |
Calendar |
fa5p-calendar-alt |
Alternate Calendar |
fa5p-calendar-check |
Calendar Check |
fa5p-calendar-edit |
Calendar Edit |
fa5p-calendar-exclamation |
Calendar Exclamation |
fa5p-calendar-minus |
Calendar Minus |
fa5p-calendar-plus |
Calendar Plus |
fa5p-calendar-star |
Calendar Star |
fa5p-calendar-times |
Calendar Times |
fa5p-camera |
camera |
fa5p-camera-alt |
Alternate Camera |
fa5p-camera-retro |
Retro Camera |
fa5p-campfire |
Campfire |
fa5p-campground |
Campground |
fa5p-candle-holder |
Candle Holder |
fa5p-candy-corn |
Candy Corn |
fa5p-cannabis |
Cannabis |
fa5p-capsules |
Capsules |
fa5p-car |
Car |
fa5p-car-alt |
Alternate Car |
fa5p-car-battery |
Car Battery |
fa5p-car-bump |
Car Bump |
fa5p-car-crash |
Car Crash |
fa5p-car-garage |
Car Garage |
fa5p-car-mechanic |
Car Mechanic |
fa5p-car-side |
Car Side |
fa5p-car-tilt |
Car Tilt |
fa5p-car-wash |
Car Wash |
fa5p-caret-circle-down |
Caret Circle Down |
fa5p-caret-circle-left |
Caret Circle Left |
fa5p-caret-circle-right |
Caret Circle Right |
fa5p-caret-circle-up |
Caret Circle Up |
fa5p-caret-down |
Caret Down |
fa5p-caret-left |
Caret Left |
fa5p-caret-right |
Caret Right |
fa5p-caret-square-down |
Caret Square Down |
fa5p-caret-square-left |
Caret Square Left |
fa5p-caret-square-right |
Caret Square Right |
fa5p-caret-square-up |
Caret Square Up |
fa5p-caret-up |
Caret Up |
fa5p-cart-arrow-down |
Shopping Cart Arrow Down |
fa5p-cart-plus |
Add to Shopping Cart |
fa5p-cat |
Cat |
fa5p-cauldron |
Cauldron |
fa5p-cc-amazon-pay |
Amazon Pay Credit Card |
fa5p-cc-amex |
American Express Credit Card |
fa5p-cc-apple-pay |
Apple Pay Credit Card |
fa5p-cc-diners-club |
Diner's Club Credit Card |
fa5p-cc-discover |
Discover Credit Card |
fa5p-cc-jcb |
JCB Credit Card |
fa5p-cc-mastercard |
MasterCard Credit Card |
fa5p-cc-paypal |
Paypal Credit Card |
fa5p-cc-stripe |
Stripe Credit Card |
fa5p-cc-visa |
Visa Credit Card |
fa5p-centercode |
Centercode |
fa5p-certificate |
certificate |
fa5p-chair |
Chair |
fa5p-chair-office |
Office Chair |
fa5p-chalkboard |
Chalkboard |
fa5p-chalkboard-teacher |
Chalkboard Teacher |
fa5p-charging-station |
Charging Station |
fa5p-chart-area |
Area Chart |
fa5p-chart-bar |
Bar Chart |
fa5p-chart-line |
Line Chart |
fa5p-chart-line-down |
Line Chart in Down Direction |
fa5p-chart-pie |
Pie Chart |
fa5p-chart-pie-alt |
Alternate Pie Chart |
fa5p-check |
Check |
fa5p-check-circle |
Check Circle |
fa5p-check-double |
Check Double |
fa5p-check-square |
Check Square |
fa5p-chess |
Chess |
fa5p-chess-bishop |
Chess Bishop |
fa5p-chess-bishop-alt |
Alternate Chess Bishop |
fa5p-chess-board |
Chess Board |
fa5p-chess-clock |
Chess Clock |
fa5p-chess-clock-alt |
Alternate Chess Clock |
fa5p-chess-king |
Chess King |
fa5p-chess-king-alt |
Alternate Chess King |
fa5p-chess-knight |
Chess Knight |
fa5p-chess-knight-alt |
Alternate Chess Knight |
fa5p-chess-pawn |
Chess Pawn |
fa5p-chess-pawn-alt |
Alternate Chess Pawn |
fa5p-chess-queen |
Chess Queen |
fa5p-chess-queen-alt |
Alternate Chess Queen |
fa5p-chess-rook |
Chess Rook |
fa5p-chess-rook-alt |
Alternate Chess Rook |
fa5p-chevron-circle-down |
Chevron Circle Down |
fa5p-chevron-circle-left |
Chevron Circle Left |
fa5p-chevron-circle-right |
Chevron Circle Right |
fa5p-chevron-circle-up |
Chevron Circle Up |
fa5p-chevron-double-down |
Chevron Double Down |
fa5p-chevron-double-left |
Chevron Double Left |
fa5p-chevron-double-right |
Chevron Double Right |
fa5p-chevron-double-up |
Chevron Double Up |
fa5p-chevron-down |
chevron-down |
fa5p-chevron-left |
chevron-left |
fa5p-chevron-right |
chevron-right |
fa5p-chevron-square-down |
Chevron Square Down |
fa5p-chevron-square-left |
Chevron Square Left |
fa5p-chevron-square-right |
Chevron Square Right |
fa5p-chevron-square-up |
Chevron Square Up |
fa5p-chevron-up |
chevron-up |
fa5p-child |
Child |
fa5p-chrome |
Chrome |
fa5p-church |
Church |
fa5p-circle |
Circle |
fa5p-circle-notch |
Circle Notched |
fa5p-city |
City |
fa5p-claw-marks |
Claw Marks |
fa5p-clipboard |
Clipboard |
fa5p-clipboard-check |
Clipboard with Check |
fa5p-clipboard-list |
Clipboard List |
fa5p-clipboard-list-check |
Clipboard List with Check |
fa5p-clipboard-prescription |
Clipboard Prescription |
fa5p-clock |
Clock |
fa5p-clone |
Clone |
fa5p-closed-captioning |
Closed Captioning |
fa5p-cloud |
Cloud |
fa5p-cloud-download |
Cloud Download |
fa5p-cloud-download-alt |
Alternate Cloud Download |
fa5p-cloud-drizzle |
Cloud with Drizzle |
fa5p-cloud-hail |
Cloud with Hail |
fa5p-cloud-hail-mixed |
Cloud with Mixed Hail |
fa5p-cloud-meatball |
Cloud with (a chance of) Meatball |
fa5p-cloud-moon |
Cloud with Moon |
fa5p-cloud-moon-rain |
Cloud with Moon and Rain |
fa5p-cloud-rain |
Cloud with Rain |
fa5p-cloud-rainbow |
Cloud with Rainbow |
fa5p-cloud-showers |
Cloud with Showers |
fa5p-cloud-showers-heavy |
Cloud with Heavy Showers |
fa5p-cloud-sleet |
Cloud with Sleet |
fa5p-cloud-snow |
Cloud with Snow |
fa5p-cloud-sun |
Cloud with Sun |
fa5p-cloud-sun-rain |
Cloud with Sun and Rain |
fa5p-cloud-upload |
Cloud Upload |
fa5p-cloud-upload-alt |
Alternate Cloud Upload |
fa5p-clouds |
Clouds |
fa5p-clouds-moon |
Clouds with Moon |
fa5p-clouds-sun |
Clouds with Sun |
fa5p-cloudscale |
cloudscale.ch |
fa5p-cloudsmith |
Cloudsmith |
fa5p-cloudversify |
cloudversify |
fa5p-club |
Club |
fa5p-cocktail |
Cocktail |
fa5p-code |
Code |
fa5p-code-branch |
Code Branch |
fa5p-code-commit |
Code Commit |
fa5p-code-merge |
Code Merge |
fa5p-codepen |
Codepen |
fa5p-codiepie |
Codie Pie |
fa5p-coffee |
Coffee |
fa5p-coffee-togo |
To-Go Coffee |
fa5p-coffin |
Coffin |
fa5p-cog |
cog |
fa5p-cogs |
cogs |
fa5p-coins |
Coins |
fa5p-columns |
Columns |
fa5p-comment |
comment |
fa5p-comment-alt |
Alternate Comment |
fa5p-comment-alt-check |
Alternate Comment Check |
fa5p-comment-alt-dollar |
Comment Alt-dollar |
fa5p-comment-alt-dots |
Alternate Comment Dots |
fa5p-comment-alt-edit |
Alternate Comment Edit |
fa5p-comment-alt-exclamation |
Alternate Comment Exclamation |
fa5p-comment-alt-lines |
Alternate Comment Lines |
fa5p-comment-alt-minus |
Alternate Comment Minus |
fa5p-comment-alt-plus |
Alternate Comment Plus |
fa5p-comment-alt-slash |
Alternate Comment Slash |
fa5p-comment-alt-smile |
Alternate Comment Smile |
fa5p-comment-alt-times |
Alternate Comment Times |
fa5p-comment-check |
Comment Check |
fa5p-comment-dollar |
Comment Dollar |
fa5p-comment-dots |
Comment Dots |
fa5p-comment-edit |
Comment Edit |
fa5p-comment-exclamation |
Comment Exclamation |
fa5p-comment-lines |
Comment Lines |
fa5p-comment-minus |
Comment Minus |
fa5p-comment-plus |
Comment Plus |
fa5p-comment-slash |
Comment Slash |
fa5p-comment-smile |
Comment Smile |
fa5p-comment-times |
Comment Times |
fa5p-comments |
comments |
fa5p-comments-alt |
Alternate Comments |
fa5p-comments-alt-dollar |
Alternate Comments Dollar |
fa5p-comments-dollar |
Comments Dollar |
fa5p-compact-disc |
Compact Disc |
fa5p-compass |
Compass |
fa5p-compass-slash |
Compass Slash |
fa5p-compress |
Compress |
fa5p-compress-alt |
Alternate Compress |
fa5p-compress-wide |
Compress Wide |
fa5p-concierge-bell |
Concierge Bell |
fa5p-connectdevelop |
Connect Develop |
fa5p-container-storage |
Container Storage |
fa5p-contao |
Contao |
fa5p-conveyor-belt |
Conveyor Belt |
fa5p-conveyor-belt-alt |
Alternate Conveyor Belt |
fa5p-cookie |
Cookie |
fa5p-cookie-bite |
Cookie Bite |
fa5p-copy |
Copy |
fa5p-copyright |
Copyright |
fa5p-corn |
Corn |
fa5p-couch |
Couch |
fa5p-cow |
Cow |
fa5p-cpanel |
cPanel |
fa5p-creative-commons |
Creative Commons |
fa5p-creative-commons-by |
Creative Commons Attribution |
fa5p-creative-commons-nc |
Creative Commons Noncommercial |
fa5p-creative-commons-nc-eu |
Creative Commons Noncommercial (Euro Sign) |
fa5p-creative-commons-nc-jp |
Creative Commons Noncommercial (Yen Sign) |
fa5p-creative-commons-nd |
Creative Commons No Derivative Works |
fa5p-creative-commons-pd |
Creative Commons Public Domain |
fa5p-creative-commons-pd-alt |
Creative Commons Public Domain Alternate |
fa5p-creative-commons-remix |
Creative Commons Remix |
fa5p-creative-commons-sa |
Creative Commons Share Alike |
fa5p-creative-commons-sampling |
Creative Commons Sampling |
fa5p-creative-commons-sampling-plus |
Creative Commons Sampling + |
fa5p-creative-commons-share |
Creative Commons Share |
fa5p-creative-commons-zero |
Creative Commons CC0 |
fa5p-credit-card |
Credit Card |
fa5p-credit-card-blank |
Credit Card Blank |
fa5p-credit-card-front |
Credit Card Front |
fa5p-cricket |
Cricket |
fa5p-critical-role |
Critical Role |
fa5p-crop |
crop |
fa5p-crop-alt |
Alternate Crop |
fa5p-cross |
Cross |
fa5p-crosshairs |
Crosshairs |
fa5p-crow |
Crow |
fa5p-crown |
Crown |
fa5p-css3 |
CSS 3 Logo |
fa5p-css3-alt |
Alternate CSS3 Logo |
fa5p-cube |
Cube |
fa5p-cubes |
Cubes |
fa5p-curling |
Curling |
fa5p-cut |
Cut |
fa5p-cuttlefish |
Cuttlefish |
fa5p-d-and-d |
Dungeons & Dragons |
fa5p-d-and-d-beyond |
D&D Beyond |
fa5p-dagger |
Dagger |
fa5p-dashcube |
DashCube |
fa5p-database |
Database |
fa5p-deaf |
Deaf |
fa5p-delicious |
Delicious Logo |
fa5p-democrat |
Democrat |
fa5p-deploydog |
deploy.dog |
fa5p-deskpro |
Deskpro |
fa5p-desktop |
Desktop |
fa5p-desktop-alt |
Alternate Desktop |
fa5p-dev |
fa5p-deviantart |
deviantART |
fa5p-dewpoint |
Dewpoint |
fa5p-dharmachakra |
Dharmachakra |
fa5p-diagnoses |
Diagnoses |
fa5p-diamond |
Diamond |
fa5p-dice |
Dice |
fa5p-dice-d10 |
Dice D10 |
fa5p-dice-d12 |
Dice D12 |
fa5p-dice-d20 |
Dice D20 |
fa5p-dice-d4 |
Dice D4 |
fa5p-dice-d6 |
Dice D6 |
fa5p-dice-d8 |
Dice D8 |
fa5p-dice-five |
Dice Five |
fa5p-dice-four |
Dice Four |
fa5p-dice-one |
Dice One |
fa5p-dice-six |
Dice Six |
fa5p-dice-three |
Dice Three |
fa5p-dice-two |
Dice Two |
fa5p-digg |
Digg Logo |
fa5p-digital-ocean |
Digital Ocean |
fa5p-digital-tachograph |
Digital Tachograph |
fa5p-diploma |
Diploma |
fa5p-directions |
Directions |
fa5p-discord |
Discord |
fa5p-discourse |
Discourse |
fa5p-divide |
Divide |
fa5p-dizzy |
Dizzy Face |
fa5p-dna |
fa5p-do-not-enter |
Do Not-enter |
fa5p-dochub |
DocHub |
fa5p-docker |
Docker |
fa5p-dog |
Dog |
fa5p-dog-leashed |
Leashed Dog |
fa5p-dollar-sign |
Dollar Sign |
fa5p-dolly |
Dolly |
fa5p-dolly-empty |
Dolly Empty |
fa5p-dolly-flatbed |
Dolly Flatbed |
fa5p-dolly-flatbed-alt |
Alternate Dolly Flatbed |
fa5p-dolly-flatbed-empty |
Dolly Flatbed-empty |
fa5p-donate |
Donate |
fa5p-door-closed |
Door Closed |
fa5p-door-open |
Door Open |
fa5p-dot-circle |
Dot Circle |
fa5p-dove |
Dove |
fa5p-download |
Download |
fa5p-draft2digital |
Draft2digital |
fa5p-drafting-compass |
Drafting Compass |
fa5p-dragon |
Dragon |
fa5p-draw-circle |
Draw Circle |
fa5p-draw-polygon |
Draw Polygon |
fa5p-draw-square |
Draw Square |
fa5p-dribbble |
Dribbble |
fa5p-dribbble-square |
Dribbble Square |
fa5p-dropbox |
Dropbox |
fa5p-drum |
Drum |
fa5p-drum-steelpan |
Drum Steelpan |
fa5p-drumstick |
Drumstick |
fa5p-drumstick-bite |
Drumstick with Bite Taken Out |
fa5p-drupal |
Drupal Logo |
fa5p-duck |
Duck |
fa5p-dumbbell |
Dumbbell |
fa5p-dungeon |
Dungeon |
fa5p-dyalog |
Dyalog |
fa5p-ear |
Ear |
fa5p-earlybirds |
Earlybirds |
fa5p-ebay |
eBay |
fa5p-eclipse |
Eclipse |
fa5p-eclipse-alt |
Alternate Eclipse |
fa5p-edge |
Edge Browser |
fa5p-edit |
Edit |
fa5p-eject |
eject |
fa5p-elementor |
Elementor |
fa5p-elephant |
Elephant |
fa5p-ellipsis-h |
Horizontal Ellipsis |
fa5p-ellipsis-h-alt |
Alternate Horizontal Ellipsis |
fa5p-ellipsis-v |
Vertical Ellipsis |
fa5p-ellipsis-v-alt |
Alternate Vertical Ellipsis |
fa5p-ello |
Ello |
fa5p-ember |
Ember |
fa5p-empire |
Galactic Empire |
fa5p-empty-set |
Empty Set |
fa5p-engine-warning |
Engine Warning |
fa5p-envelope |
Envelope |
fa5p-envelope-open |
Envelope Open |
fa5p-envelope-open-dollar |
Envelope Open-dollar |
fa5p-envelope-open-text |
Envelope Open-text |
fa5p-envelope-square |
Envelope Square |
fa5p-envira |
Envira Gallery |
fa5p-equals |
Equals |
fa5p-eraser |
eraser |
fa5p-erlang |
Erlang |
fa5p-ethereum |
Ethereum |
fa5p-etsy |
Etsy |
fa5p-euro-sign |
Euro Sign |
fa5p-exchange |
Exchange |
fa5p-exchange-alt |
Alternate Exchange |
fa5p-exclamation |
exclamation |
fa5p-exclamation-circle |
Exclamation Circle |
fa5p-exclamation-square |
Exclamation Square |
fa5p-exclamation-triangle |
Exclamation Triangle |
fa5p-expand |
Expand |
fa5p-expand-alt |
Alternate Expand |
fa5p-expand-arrows |
Expand Arrows |
fa5p-expand-arrows-alt |
Alternate Expand Arrows |
fa5p-expand-wide |
Expand Wide |
fa5p-expeditedssl |
ExpeditedSSL |
fa5p-external-link |
External Link |
fa5p-external-link-alt |
Alternate External Link |
fa5p-external-link-square |
External Link Square |
fa5p-external-link-square-alt |
Alternate External Link Square |
fa5p-eye |
Eye |
fa5p-eye-dropper |
Eye Dropper |
fa5p-eye-evil |
Evil Eye |
fa5p-eye-slash |
Eye Slash |
fa5p-facebook |
Facebook |
fa5p-facebook-f |
Facebook F |
fa5p-facebook-messenger |
Facebook Messenger |
fa5p-facebook-square |
Facebook Square |
fa5p-fantasy-flight-games |
Fantasy Flight-games |
fa5p-fast-backward |
fast-backward |
fa5p-fast-forward |
fast-forward |
fa5p-fax |
Fax |
fa5p-feather |
Feather |
fa5p-feather-alt |
Alternate Feather |
fa5p-female |
Female |
fa5p-field-hockey |
Field Hockey |
fa5p-fighter-jet |
fighter-jet |
fa5p-file |
File |
fa5p-file-alt |
Alternate File |
fa5p-file-archive |
Archive File |
fa5p-file-audio |
Audio File |
fa5p-file-certificate |
File Certificate |
fa5p-file-chart-line |
Chart Line File |
fa5p-file-chart-pie |
Pie Chart File |
fa5p-file-check |
Check File |
fa5p-file-code |
Code File |
fa5p-file-contract |
File Contract |
fa5p-file-csv |
File CSV |
fa5p-file-download |
File Download |
fa5p-file-edit |
Edit File |
fa5p-file-excel |
Excel File |
fa5p-file-exclamation |
Exclamation File |
fa5p-file-export |
File Export |
fa5p-file-image |
Image File |
fa5p-file-import |
File Import |
fa5p-file-invoice |
File Invoice |
fa5p-file-invoice-dollar |
File Invoice with US Dollar |
fa5p-file-medical |
Medical File |
fa5p-file-medical-alt |
Alternate Medical File |
fa5p-file-minus |
Minus File |
fa5p-file-pdf |
PDF File |
fa5p-file-plus |
Plus File |
fa5p-file-powerpoint |
Powerpoint File |
fa5p-file-prescription |
File Prescription |
fa5p-file-signature |
File Signature |
fa5p-file-spreadsheet |
Spreadsheet File |
fa5p-file-times |
Times File |
fa5p-file-upload |
File Upload |
fa5p-file-user |
User File |
fa5p-file-video |
Video File |
fa5p-file-word |
Word File |
fa5p-fill |
Fill |
fa5p-fill-drip |
Fill Drip |
fa5p-film |
Film |
fa5p-film-alt |
Alternate Film |
fa5p-filter |
Filter |
fa5p-fingerprint |
Fingerprint |
fa5p-fire |
fire |
fa5p-fire-extinguisher |
fire-extinguisher |
fa5p-fire-smoke |
Fire and Smoke |
fa5p-firefox |
Firefox |
fa5p-first-aid |
First Aid |
fa5p-first-order |
First Order |
fa5p-first-order-alt |
Alternate First Order |
fa5p-firstdraft |
firstdraft |
fa5p-fish |
Fish |
fa5p-fist-raised |
Raised Fist |
fa5p-flag |
flag |
fa5p-flag-alt |
Alternate Flag |
fa5p-flag-checkered |
flag-checkered |
fa5p-flag-usa |
United States of America Flag |
fa5p-flame |
Flame |
fa5p-flask |
Flask |
fa5p-flask-poison |
Flask Poison |
fa5p-flask-potion |
Flask Potion |
fa5p-flickr |
Flickr |
fa5p-flipboard |
Flipboard |
fa5p-flushed |
Flushed Face |
fa5p-fly |
Fly |
fa5p-fog |
Fog |
fa5p-folder |
Folder |
fa5p-folder-minus |
Folder Minus |
fa5p-folder-open |
Folder Open |
fa5p-folder-plus |
Folder Plus |
fa5p-folder-times |
Folder Times |
fa5p-folders |
Folders |
fa5p-font |
font |
fa5p-font-awesome |
Font Awesome |
fa5p-font-awesome-alt |
Alternate Font Awesome |
fa5p-font-awesome-flag |
Font Awesome Flag |
fa5p-font-awesome-logo-full |
Font Awesome Full Logo |
fa5p-fonticons |
Fonticons |
fa5p-fonticons-fi |
Fonticons Fi |
fa5p-football-ball |
Football Ball |
fa5p-football-helmet |
Football Helmet |
fa5p-forklift |
Forklift |
fa5p-fort-awesome |
Fort Awesome |
fa5p-fort-awesome-alt |
Alternate Fort Awesome |
fa5p-forumbee |
Forumbee |
fa5p-forward |
forward |
fa5p-foursquare |
Foursquare |
fa5p-fragile |
Fragile |
fa5p-free-code-camp |
Free Code Camp |
fa5p-freebsd |
FreeBSD |
fa5p-frog |
Frog |
fa5p-frown |
Frowning Face |
fa5p-frown-open |
Frowning Face With Open Mouth |
fa5p-fulcrum |
Fulcrum |
fa5p-function |
Function |
fa5p-funnel-dollar |
Funnel Dollar |
fa5p-futbol |
Futbol |
fa5p-galactic-republic |
Galactic Republic |
fa5p-galactic-senate |
Galactic Senate |
fa5p-gamepad |
Gamepad |
fa5p-gas-pump |
Gas Pump |
fa5p-gas-pump-slash |
Gas Pump-slash |
fa5p-gavel |
Gavel |
fa5p-gem |
Gem |
fa5p-genderless |
Genderless |
fa5p-get-pocket |
Get Pocket |
fa5p-gg |
GG Currency |
fa5p-gg-circle |
GG Currency Circle |
fa5p-ghost |
Ghost |
fa5p-gift |
gift |
fa5p-gift-card |
Gift Card |
fa5p-git |
Git |
fa5p-git-square |
Git Square |
fa5p-github |
GitHub |
fa5p-github-alt |
Alternate GitHub |
fa5p-github-square |
GitHub Square |
fa5p-gitkraken |
GitKraken |
fa5p-gitlab |
GitLab |
fa5p-gitter |
Gitter |
fa5p-glass-martini |
Martini Glass |
fa5p-glass-martini-alt |
Alternate Glass Martini |
fa5p-glasses |
Glasses |
fa5p-glasses-alt |
Alternate Glasses |
fa5p-glide |
Glide |
fa5p-glide-g |
Glide G |
fa5p-globe |
Globe |
fa5p-globe-africa |
Globe with Africa shown |
fa5p-globe-americas |
Globe with Americas shown |
fa5p-globe-asia |
Globe with Asia shown |
fa5p-globe-stand |
Globe Stand |
fa5p-gofore |
Gofore |
fa5p-golf-ball |
Golf Ball |
fa5p-golf-club |
Golf Club |
fa5p-goodreads |
Goodreads |
fa5p-goodreads-g |
Goodreads G |
fa5p-google |
Google Logo |
fa5p-google-drive |
Google Drive |
fa5p-google-play |
Google Play |
fa5p-google-plus |
Google Plus |
fa5p-google-plus-g |
Google Plus G |
fa5p-google-plus-square |
Google Plus Square |
fa5p-google-wallet |
Google Wallet |
fa5p-gopuram |
Gopuram |
fa5p-graduation-cap |
Graduation Cap |
fa5p-gratipay |
Gratipay (Gittip) |
fa5p-grav |
Grav |
fa5p-greater-than |
Greater Than |
fa5p-greater-than-equal |
Greater Than Equal To |
fa5p-grimace |
Grimacing Face |
fa5p-grin |
Grinning Face |
fa5p-grin-alt |
Alternate Grinning Face |
fa5p-grin-beam |
Grinning Face With Smiling Eyes |
fa5p-grin-beam-sweat |
Grinning Face With Sweat |
fa5p-grin-hearts |
Smiling Face With Heart-Eyes |
fa5p-grin-squint |
Grinning Squinting Face |
fa5p-grin-squint-tears |
Rolling on the Floor Laughing |
fa5p-grin-stars |
Star-Struck |
fa5p-grin-tears |
Face With Tears of Joy |
fa5p-grin-tongue |
Face With Tongue |
fa5p-grin-tongue-squint |
Squinting Face With Tongue |
fa5p-grin-tongue-wink |
Winking Face With Tongue |
fa5p-grin-wink |
Grinning Winking Face |
fa5p-grip-horizontal |
Grip Horizontal |
fa5p-grip-vertical |
Grip Vertical |
fa5p-gripfire |
Gripfire, Inc. |
fa5p-grunt |
Grunt |
fa5p-gulp |
Gulp |
fa5p-h-square |
H Square |
fa5p-h1 |
H1 Heading |
fa5p-h2 |
H2 Heading |
fa5p-h3 |
H3 Heading |
fa5p-hacker-news |
Hacker News |
fa5p-hacker-news-square |
Hacker News Square |
fa5p-hackerrank |
Hackerrank |
fa5p-hammer |
Hammer |
fa5p-hammer-war |
Hammer War |
fa5p-hamsa |
Hamsa |
fa5p-hand-heart |
Hand with Heart |
fa5p-hand-holding |
Hand Holding |
fa5p-hand-holding-box |
Hand Holding Box |
fa5p-hand-holding-heart |
Hand Holding Heart |
fa5p-hand-holding-magic |
Hand Holding-magic |
fa5p-hand-holding-seedling |
Hand Holding Seedling |
fa5p-hand-holding-usd |
Hand Holding US Dollar |
fa5p-hand-holding-water |
Hand Holding Water |
fa5p-hand-lizard |
Lizard (Hand) |
fa5p-hand-paper |
Paper (Hand) |
fa5p-hand-peace |
Peace (Hand) |
fa5p-hand-point-down |
Hand Pointing Down |
fa5p-hand-point-left |
Hand Pointing Left |
fa5p-hand-point-right |
Hand Pointing Right |
fa5p-hand-point-up |
Hand Pointing Up |
fa5p-hand-pointer |
Pointer (Hand) |
fa5p-hand-receiving |
Hand Receiving |
fa5p-hand-rock |
Rock (Hand) |
fa5p-hand-scissors |
Scissors (Hand) |
fa5p-hand-spock |
Spock (Hand) |
fa5p-hands |
Hands |
fa5p-hands-heart |
Hands Heart |
fa5p-hands-helping |
Helping Hands |
fa5p-hands-usd |
Hands with US Dollar |
fa5p-handshake |
Handshake |
fa5p-handshake-alt |
Alternate Handshake |
fa5p-hanukiah |
Hanukiah |
fa5p-hashtag |
Hashtag |
fa5p-hat-witch |
Witch's Hat |
fa5p-hat-wizard |
Wizard's Hat |
fa5p-haykal |
Haykal |
fa5p-hdd |
fa5p-head-side |
Head Side |
fa5p-head-vr |
Head VR |
fa5p-heading |
heading |
fa5p-headphones |
headphones |
fa5p-headphones-alt |
Alternate Headphones |
fa5p-headset |
Headset |
fa5p-heart |
Heart |
fa5p-heart-circle |
Heart Circle |
fa5p-heart-rate |
Heart Rate |
fa5p-heart-square |
Heart Square |
fa5p-heartbeat |
Heartbeat |
fa5p-helicopter |
Helicopter |
fa5p-helmet-battle |
Battle Helmet |
fa5p-hexagon |
Hexagon |
fa5p-highlighter |
Highlighter |
fa5p-hiking |
Hiking |
fa5p-hippo |
Hippo |
fa5p-hips |
Hips |
fa5p-hire-a-helper |
HireAHelper |
fa5p-history |
History |
fa5p-hockey-mask |
Hockey Mask |
fa5p-hockey-puck |
Hockey Puck |
fa5p-hockey-sticks |
Hockey Sticks |
fa5p-home |
home |
fa5p-home-heart |
Home Heart |
fa5p-hood-cloak |
Hood Cloak |
fa5p-hooli |
Hooli |
fa5p-hornbill |
Hornbill |
fa5p-horse |
Horse |
fa5p-hospital |
hospital |
fa5p-hospital-alt |
Alternate Hospital |
fa5p-hospital-symbol |
Hospital Symbol |
fa5p-hot-tub |
Hot Tub |
fa5p-hotel |
Hotel |
fa5p-hotjar |
Hotjar |
fa5p-hourglass |
Hourglass |
fa5p-hourglass-end |
Hourglass End |
fa5p-hourglass-half |
Hourglass Half |
fa5p-hourglass-start |
Hourglass Start |
fa5p-house-damage |
Damaged House |
fa5p-house-flood |
Flooded House |
fa5p-houzz |
Houzz |
fa5p-hryvnia |
Hryvnia |
fa5p-html5 |
HTML 5 Logo |
fa5p-hubspot |
HubSpot |
fa5p-humidity |
Humidity |
fa5p-hurricane |
Hurricane |
fa5p-i-cursor |
I Beam Cursor |
fa5p-id-badge |
Identification Badge |
fa5p-id-card |
Identification Card |
fa5p-id-card-alt |
Alternate Identification Card |
fa5p-image |
Image |
fa5p-images |
Images |
fa5p-imdb |
fa5p-inbox |
inbox |
fa5p-inbox-in |
Inbox In |
fa5p-inbox-out |
Inbox Out |
fa5p-indent |
Indent |
fa5p-industry |
Industry |
fa5p-industry-alt |
Alternate Industry |
fa5p-infinity |
Infinity |
fa5p-info |
Info |
fa5p-info-circle |
Info Circle |
fa5p-info-square |
Info Square |
fa5p-inhaler |
Inhaler |
fa5p-instagram |
Instagram |
fa5p-integral |
Integral |
fa5p-internet-explorer |
Internet-explorer |
fa5p-intersection |
Intersection |
fa5p-inventory |
Inventory |
fa5p-ioxhost |
ioxhost |
fa5p-italic |
italic |
fa5p-itunes |
iTunes |
fa5p-itunes-note |
Itunes Note |
fa5p-jack-o-lantern |
Jack-o'-lantern |
fa5p-java |
Java |
fa5p-jedi |
Jedi |
fa5p-jedi-order |
Jedi Order |
fa5p-jenkins |
Jenkis |
fa5p-joget |
Joget |
fa5p-joint |
Joint |
fa5p-joomla |
Joomla Logo |
fa5p-journal-whills |
Journal of the Whills |
fa5p-js |
JavaScript (JS) |
fa5p-js-square |
JavaScript (JS) Square |
fa5p-jsfiddle |
jsFiddle |
fa5p-kaaba |
Kaaba |
fa5p-kaggle |
Kaggle |
fa5p-key |
key |
fa5p-key-skeleton |
Key Skeleton |
fa5p-keybase |
Keybase |
fa5p-keyboard |
Keyboard |
fa5p-keycdn |
KeyCDN |
fa5p-keynote |
Keynote |
fa5p-khanda |
Khanda |
fa5p-kickstarter |
Kickstarter |
fa5p-kickstarter-k |
Kickstarter K |
fa5p-kidneys |
Kidneys |
fa5p-kiss |
Kissing Face |
fa5p-kiss-beam |
Kissing Face With Smiling Eyes |
fa5p-kiss-wink-heart |
Face Blowing a Kiss |
fa5p-kite |
Kite |
fa5p-kiwi-bird |
Kiwi Bird |
fa5p-knife-kitchen |
Knife Kitchen |
fa5p-korvue |
fa5p-lambda |
Lambda |
fa5p-lamp |
Lamp |
fa5p-landmark |
Landmark |
fa5p-landmark-alt |
Alternative Landmark |
fa5p-language |
Language |
fa5p-laptop |
Laptop |
fa5p-laptop-code |
Laptop Code |
fa5p-laravel |
Laravel |
fa5p-lastfm |
last.fm |
fa5p-lastfm-square |
last.fm Square |
fa5p-laugh |
Grinning Face With Big Eyes |
fa5p-laugh-beam |
Laugh Face with Beaming Eyes |
fa5p-laugh-squint |
Laughing Squinting Face |
fa5p-laugh-wink |
Laughing Winking Face |
fa5p-layer-group |
Layer Group |
fa5p-layer-minus |
Layer Minus |
fa5p-layer-plus |
Layer Plus |
fa5p-leaf |
leaf |
fa5p-leaf-heart |
Leaf with a Heart |
fa5p-leaf-maple |
Maple Leaf |
fa5p-leaf-oak |
Oak Leaf |
fa5p-leanpub |
Leanpub |
fa5p-lemon |
Lemon |
fa5p-less |
Less |
fa5p-less-than |
Less Than |
fa5p-less-than-equal |
Less Than Equal To |
fa5p-level-down |
Level Down |
fa5p-level-down-alt |
Alternate Level Down |
fa5p-level-up |
Level Up |
fa5p-level-up-alt |
Alternate Level Up |
fa5p-life-ring |
Life Ring |
fa5p-lightbulb |
Lightbulb |
fa5p-lightbulb-dollar |
Lightbulb Dollar |
fa5p-lightbulb-exclamation |
Lightbulb Exclamation |
fa5p-lightbulb-on |
Lightbulb On |
fa5p-lightbulb-slash |
Lightbulb Slash |
fa5p-line |
Line |
fa5p-link |
Link |
fa5p-linkedin |
LinkedIn |
fa5p-linkedin-in |
LinkedIn In |
fa5p-linode |
Linode |
fa5p-linux |
Linux |
fa5p-lips |
Lips |
fa5p-lira-sign |
Turkish Lira Sign |
fa5p-list |
List |
fa5p-list-alt |
Alternate List |
fa5p-list-ol |
list-ol |
fa5p-list-ul |
list-ul |
fa5p-location |
Location |
fa5p-location-arrow |
location-arrow |
fa5p-location-circle |
Location Circle |
fa5p-location-slash |
Location Slash |
fa5p-lock |
lock |
fa5p-lock-alt |
Alternate Lock |
fa5p-lock-open |
Lock Open |
fa5p-lock-open-alt |
Alternate Lock Open |
fa5p-long-arrow-alt-down |
Alternate Long Arrow Down |
fa5p-long-arrow-alt-left |
Alternate Long Arrow Left |
fa5p-long-arrow-alt-right |
Alternate Long Arrow Right |
fa5p-long-arrow-alt-up |
Alternate Long Arrow Up |
fa5p-long-arrow-down |
Long Arrow Down |
fa5p-long-arrow-left |
Long Arrow Left |
fa5p-long-arrow-right |
Long Arrow Right |
fa5p-long-arrow-up |
Long Arrow Up |
fa5p-loveseat |
Loveseat |
fa5p-low-vision |
Low Vision |
fa5p-luchador |
Luchador |
fa5p-luggage-cart |
Luggage Cart |
fa5p-lungs |
Lungs |
fa5p-lyft |
lyft |
fa5p-mace |
Mace |
fa5p-magento |
Magento |
fa5p-magic |
magic |
fa5p-magnet |
magnet |
fa5p-mail-bulk |
Mail Bulk |
fa5p-mailchimp |
Mailchimp |
fa5p-male |
Male |
fa5p-mandalorian |
Mandalorian |
fa5p-mandolin |
Mandolin |
fa5p-map |
Map |
fa5p-map-marked |
Map Marked |
fa5p-map-marked-alt |
Alternate Map Marked |
fa5p-map-marker |
map-marker |
fa5p-map-marker-alt |
Alternate Map Marker |
fa5p-map-marker-alt-slash |
Alternate Map Marker Slash |
fa5p-map-marker-check |
Map Marker Check |
fa5p-map-marker-edit |
Map Marker Edit |
fa5p-map-marker-exclamation |
Map Marker Exclamation |
fa5p-map-marker-minus |
Map Marker Minus |
fa5p-map-marker-plus |
Map Marker Plus |
fa5p-map-marker-question |
Map Marker Question |
fa5p-map-marker-slash |
Map Marker Slash |
fa5p-map-marker-smile |
Map Marker Smile |
fa5p-map-marker-times |
Map Marker Times |
fa5p-map-pin |
Map Pin |
fa5p-map-signs |
Map Signs |
fa5p-markdown |
Markdown |
fa5p-marker |
Marker |
fa5p-mars |
Mars |
fa5p-mars-double |
Mars Double |
fa5p-mars-stroke |
Mars Stroke |
fa5p-mars-stroke-h |
Mars Stroke Horizontal |
fa5p-mars-stroke-v |
Mars Stroke Vertical |
fa5p-mask |
Mask |
fa5p-mastodon |
Mastodon |
fa5p-maxcdn |
MaxCDN |
fa5p-medal |
Medal |
fa5p-medapps |
MedApps |
fa5p-medium |
Medium |
fa5p-medium-m |
Medium M |
fa5p-medkit |
medkit |
fa5p-medrt |
fa5p-meetup |
Meetup |
fa5p-megaphone |
Megaphone |
fa5p-megaport |
Megaport |
fa5p-meh |
Neutral Face |
fa5p-meh-blank |
Face Without Mouth |
fa5p-meh-rolling-eyes |
Face With Rolling Eyes |
fa5p-memory |
Memory |
fa5p-menorah |
Menorah |
fa5p-mercury |
Mercury |
fa5p-meteor |
Meteor |
fa5p-microchip |
Microchip |
fa5p-microphone |
microphone |
fa5p-microphone-alt |
Alternate Microphone |
fa5p-microphone-alt-slash |
Alternate Microphone Slash |
fa5p-microphone-slash |
Microphone Slash |
fa5p-microscope |
Microscope |
fa5p-microsoft |
Microsoft |
fa5p-mind-share |
Mind Share |
fa5p-minus |
minus |
fa5p-minus-circle |
Minus Circle |
fa5p-minus-hexagon |
Minus Hexagon |
fa5p-minus-octagon |
Minus Octagon |
fa5p-minus-square |
Minus Square |
fa5p-mix |
Mix |
fa5p-mixcloud |
Mixcloud |
fa5p-mizuni |
Mizuni |
fa5p-mobile |
Mobile Phone |
fa5p-mobile-alt |
Alternate Mobile |
fa5p-mobile-android |
Mobile Android |
fa5p-mobile-android-alt |
Alternate Mobile Android |
fa5p-modx |
fa5p-monero |
Monero |
fa5p-money-bill |
Money Bill |
fa5p-money-bill-alt |
Alternate Money Bill |
fa5p-money-bill-wave |
Wavy Money Bill |
fa5p-money-bill-wave-alt |
Alternate Wavy Money Bill |
fa5p-money-check |
Money Check |
fa5p-money-check-alt |
Alternate Money Check |
fa5p-monitor-heart-rate |
Monitor Heart Rate |
fa5p-monkey |
Monkey |
fa5p-monument |
Monument |
fa5p-moon |
Moon |
fa5p-moon-cloud |
Moon with Cloud |
fa5p-moon-stars |
Moon with Stars |
fa5p-mortar-pestle |
Mortar Pestle |
fa5p-mosque |
Mosque |
fa5p-motorcycle |
Motorcycle |
fa5p-mountain |
Mountain |
fa5p-mountains |
Mountains |
fa5p-mouse-pointer |
Mouse Pointer |
fa5p-music |
Music |
fa5p-napster |
Napster |
fa5p-narwhal |
Narwhal |
fa5p-neos |
Neos |
fa5p-network-wired |
Wired Network |
fa5p-neuter |
Neuter |
fa5p-newspaper |
Newspaper |
fa5p-nimblr |
Nimblr |
fa5p-nintendo-switch |
Nintendo Switch |
fa5p-node |
Node.js |
fa5p-node-js |
Node.js JS |
fa5p-not-equal |
Not Equal |
fa5p-notes-medical |
Medical Notes |
fa5p-npm |
npm |
fa5p-ns8 |
NS8 |
fa5p-nutritionix |
Nutritionix |
fa5p-object-group |
Object Group |
fa5p-object-ungroup |
Object Ungroup |
fa5p-octagon |
Octagon |
fa5p-odnoklassniki |
Odnoklassniki |
fa5p-odnoklassniki-square |
Odnoklassniki Square |
fa5p-oil-can |
Oil Can |
fa5p-oil-temp |
Oil Temp |
fa5p-old-republic |
Old Republic |
fa5p-om |
Om |
fa5p-omega |
Omega |
fa5p-opencart |
OpenCart |
fa5p-openid |
OpenID |
fa5p-opera |
Opera |
fa5p-optin-monster |
Optin Monster |
fa5p-osi |
Open Source Initiative |
fa5p-otter |
Otter |
fa5p-outdent |
Outdent |
fa5p-page4 |
page4 Corporation |
fa5p-pagelines |
Pagelines |
fa5p-paint-brush |
Paint Brush |
fa5p-paint-brush-alt |
Alternate Paint Brush |
fa5p-paint-roller |
Paint Roller |
fa5p-palette |
Palette |
fa5p-palfed |
Palfed |
fa5p-pallet |
Pallet |
fa5p-pallet-alt |
Alternate Pallet |
fa5p-paper-plane |
Paper Plane |
fa5p-paperclip |
Paperclip |
fa5p-parachute-box |
Parachute Box |
fa5p-paragraph |
paragraph |
fa5p-parking |
Parking |
fa5p-parking-circle |
Parking Circle |
fa5p-parking-circle-slash |
Parking Circle-slash |
fa5p-parking-slash |
Parking Slash |
fa5p-passport |
Passport |
fa5p-pastafarianism |
Pastafarianism |
fa5p-paste |
Paste |
fa5p-patreon |
Patreon |
fa5p-pause |
pause |
fa5p-pause-circle |
Pause Circle |
fa5p-paw |
Paw |
fa5p-paw-alt |
Paw Alt |
fa5p-paw-claws |
Paw Claws |
fa5p-paypal |
Paypal |
fa5p-peace |
Peace |
fa5p-pegasus |
Pegasus |
fa5p-pen |
Pen |
fa5p-pen-alt |
Alternate Pen |
fa5p-pen-fancy |
Pen Fancy |
fa5p-pen-nib |
Pen Nib |
fa5p-pen-square |
Pen Square |
fa5p-pencil |
pencil |
fa5p-pencil-alt |
Alternate Pencil |
fa5p-pencil-paintbrush |
Pencil Paintbrush |
fa5p-pencil-ruler |
Pencil Ruler |
fa5p-pennant |
Pennant |
fa5p-penny-arcade |
Penny Arcade |
fa5p-people-carry |
People Carry |
fa5p-percent |
Percent |
fa5p-percentage |
Percentage |
fa5p-periscope |
Periscope |
fa5p-person-booth |
Person Entering Booth |
fa5p-person-carry |
Person Carry |
fa5p-person-dolly |
Person and Dolly |
fa5p-person-dolly-empty |
Person and Empty Dolly |
fa5p-person-sign |
Person Holding Sign |
fa5p-phabricator |
Phabricator |
fa5p-phoenix-framework |
Phoenix Framework |
fa5p-phoenix-squadron |
Phoenix Squadron |
fa5p-phone |
Phone |
fa5p-phone-office |
Office Phone |
fa5p-phone-plus |
Phone Plus |
fa5p-phone-slash |
Phone Slash |
fa5p-phone-square |
Phone Square |
fa5p-phone-volume |
Phone Volume |
fa5p-php |
fa5p-pi |
Pi |
fa5p-pie |
Pie |
fa5p-pied-piper |
Pied Piper Logo |
fa5p-pied-piper-alt |
Alternate Pied Piper Logo |
fa5p-pied-piper-hat |
Pied Piper-hat |
fa5p-pied-piper-pp |
Pied Piper PP Logo (Old) |
fa5p-pig |
Pig |
fa5p-piggy-bank |
Piggy Bank |
fa5p-pills |
Pills |
fa5p-pinterest |
Pinterest |
fa5p-pinterest-p |
Pinterest P |
fa5p-pinterest-square |
Pinterest Square |
fa5p-place-of-worship |
Place Of Worship |
fa5p-plane |
plane |
fa5p-plane-alt |
Alternate Plane |
fa5p-plane-arrival |
Plane Arrival |
fa5p-plane-departure |
Plane Departure |
fa5p-play |
play |
fa5p-play-circle |
Play Circle |
fa5p-playstation |
PlayStation |
fa5p-plug |
Plug |
fa5p-plus |
plus |
fa5p-plus-circle |
Plus Circle |
fa5p-plus-hexagon |
Plus Hexagon |
fa5p-plus-octagon |
Plus Octagon |
fa5p-plus-square |
Plus Square |
fa5p-podcast |
Podcast |
fa5p-podium |
Podium |
fa5p-podium-star |
Podium with Star |
fa5p-poll |
Poll |
fa5p-poll-h |
Poll H |
fa5p-poll-people |
Poll People |
fa5p-poo |
Poo |
fa5p-poo-storm |
Poo Storm |
fa5p-poop |
Poop |
fa5p-portrait |
Portrait |
fa5p-pound-sign |
Pound Sign |
fa5p-power-off |
Power Off |
fa5p-pray |
Pray |
fa5p-praying-hands |
Praying Hands |
fa5p-prescription |
Prescription |
fa5p-prescription-bottle |
Prescription Bottle |
fa5p-prescription-bottle-alt |
Alternate Prescription Bottle |
fa5p-presentation |
Presentation |
fa5p-print |
print |
fa5p-print-slash |
Print Slash |
fa5p-procedures |
Procedures |
fa5p-product-hunt |
Product Hunt |
fa5p-project-diagram |
Project Diagram |
fa5p-pumpkin |
Pumpkin |
fa5p-pushed |
Pushed |
fa5p-puzzle-piece |
Puzzle Piece |
fa5p-python |
Python |
fa5p-qq |
QQ |
fa5p-qrcode |
qrcode |
fa5p-question |
Question |
fa5p-question-circle |
Question Circle |
fa5p-question-square |
Question Square |
fa5p-quidditch |
Quidditch |
fa5p-quinscape |
QuinScape |
fa5p-quora |
Quora |
fa5p-quote-left |
quote-left |
fa5p-quote-right |
quote-right |
fa5p-quran |
Quran |
fa5p-r-project |
R Project |
fa5p-rabbit |
Rabbit |
fa5p-rabbit-fast |
Fast Rabbit |
fa5p-racquet |
Racquet |
fa5p-rainbow |
Rainbow |
fa5p-raindrops |
Raindrops |
fa5p-ram |
Ram |
fa5p-ramp-loading |
Ramp Loading |
fa5p-random |
random |
fa5p-ravelry |
Ravelry |
fa5p-react |
React |
fa5p-reacteurope |
ReactEurope |
fa5p-readme |
ReadMe |
fa5p-rebel |
Rebel Alliance |
fa5p-receipt |
Receipt |
fa5p-rectangle-landscape |
Landscape Rectangle |
fa5p-rectangle-portrait |
Portrait Rectangle |
fa5p-rectangle-wide |
Wide Rectangle |
fa5p-recycle |
Recycle |
fa5p-red-river |
red river |
fa5p-reddit |
reddit Logo |
fa5p-reddit-alien |
reddit Alien |
fa5p-reddit-square |
reddit Square |
fa5p-redo |
Redo |
fa5p-redo-alt |
Alternate Redo |
fa5p-registered |
Registered Trademark |
fa5p-renren |
Renren |
fa5p-repeat |
Repeat |
fa5p-repeat-1 |
Repeat 1 |
fa5p-repeat-1-alt |
Alternate Repeat 1 |
fa5p-repeat-alt |
Alternate Repeat |
fa5p-reply |
Reply |
fa5p-reply-all |
reply-all |
fa5p-replyd |
replyd |
fa5p-republican |
Republican |
fa5p-researchgate |
Researchgate |
fa5p-resolving |
Resolving |
fa5p-retweet |
Retweet |
fa5p-retweet-alt |
Alternate Retweet |
fa5p-rev |
Rev.io |
fa5p-ribbon |
Ribbon |
fa5p-ring |
Ring |
fa5p-road |
road |
fa5p-robot |
Robot |
fa5p-rocket |
rocket |
fa5p-rocketchat |
Rocket.Chat |
fa5p-rockrms |
Rockrms |
fa5p-route |
Route |
fa5p-route-highway |
Route Highway |
fa5p-route-interstate |
Route Interstate |
fa5p-rss |
rss |
fa5p-rss-square |
RSS Square |
fa5p-ruble-sign |
Ruble Sign |
fa5p-ruler |
Ruler |
fa5p-ruler-combined |
Ruler Combined |
fa5p-ruler-horizontal |
Ruler Horizontal |
fa5p-ruler-triangle |
Ruler Triangle |
fa5p-ruler-vertical |
Ruler Vertical |
fa5p-running |
Running |
fa5p-rupee-sign |
Indian Rupee Sign |
fa5p-sad-cry |
Crying Face |
fa5p-sad-tear |
Loudly Crying Face |
fa5p-safari |
Safari |
fa5p-sass |
Sass |
fa5p-save |
Save |
fa5p-scalpel |
Scalpel |
fa5p-scalpel-path |
Scalpel Path |
fa5p-scanner |
Scanner |
fa5p-scanner-keyboard |
Scanner Keyboard |
fa5p-scanner-touchscreen |
Scanner Touchscreen |
fa5p-scarecrow |
Scarecrow |
fa5p-schlix |
fa5p-school |
School |
fa5p-screwdriver |
Screwdriver |
fa5p-scribd |
Scribd |
fa5p-scroll |
Scroll |
fa5p-scroll-old |
Scroll Old |
fa5p-scrubber |
Scrubber |
fa5p-scythe |
Scythe |
fa5p-search |
Search |
fa5p-search-dollar |
Search Dollar |
fa5p-search-location |
Search Location |
fa5p-search-minus |
Search Minus |
fa5p-search-plus |
Search Plus |
fa5p-searchengin |
Searchengin |
fa5p-seedling |
Seedling |
fa5p-sellcast |
Sellcast |
fa5p-sellsy |
Sellsy |
fa5p-server |
Server |
fa5p-servicestack |
Servicestack |
fa5p-shapes |
Shapes |
fa5p-share |
Share |
fa5p-share-all |
Share All |
fa5p-share-alt |
Alternate Share |
fa5p-share-alt-square |
Alternate Share Square |
fa5p-share-square |
Share Square |
fa5p-sheep |
Sheep |
fa5p-shekel-sign |
Shekel Sign |
fa5p-shield |
shield |
fa5p-shield-alt |
Alternate Shield |
fa5p-shield-check |
shield |
fa5p-shield-cross |
Shield Cross |
fa5p-ship |
Ship |
fa5p-shipping-fast |
Shipping Fast |
fa5p-shipping-timed |
Shipping Timed |
fa5p-shirtsinbulk |
Shirts in Bulk |
fa5p-shoe-prints |
Shoe Prints |
fa5p-shopping-bag |
Shopping Bag |
fa5p-shopping-basket |
Shopping Basket |
fa5p-shopping-cart |
shopping-cart |
fa5p-shopware |
Shopware |
fa5p-shovel |
Shovel |
fa5p-shower |
Shower |
fa5p-shredder |
Shredder |
fa5p-shuttle-van |
Shuttle Van |
fa5p-shuttlecock |
Shuttlecock |
fa5p-sigma |
Sigma (Summation) |
fa5p-sign |
Sign |
fa5p-sign-in |
Sign In |
fa5p-sign-in-alt |
Alternate Sign In |
fa5p-sign-language |
Sign Language |
fa5p-sign-out |
Sign Out |
fa5p-sign-out-alt |
Alternate Sign Out |
fa5p-signal |
signal |
fa5p-signal-1 |
Signal 1 |
fa5p-signal-2 |
Signal 2 |
fa5p-signal-3 |
Signal 3 |
fa5p-signal-4 |
Signal 4 |
fa5p-signal-alt |
Signal Alternate |
fa5p-signal-alt-1 |
Signal Alternate 1 |
fa5p-signal-alt-2 |
Signal Alternate 2 |
fa5p-signal-alt-3 |
Signal Alternate 3 |
fa5p-signal-alt-slash |
Signal Alternate Slash |
fa5p-signal-slash |
Signal Slash |
fa5p-signature |
Signature |
fa5p-simplybuilt |
SimplyBuilt |
fa5p-sistrix |
fa5p-sitemap |
Sitemap |
fa5p-sith |
Sith |
fa5p-skeleton |
Skeleton |
fa5p-skull |
Skull |
fa5p-skull-crossbones |
Skull & Crossbones |
fa5p-skyatlas |
skyatlas |
fa5p-skype |
Skype |
fa5p-slack |
Slack Logo |
fa5p-slack-hash |
Slack Hashtag |
fa5p-slash |
Slash |
fa5p-sliders-h |
Horizontal Sliders |
fa5p-sliders-h-square |
Square Horizontal Sliders |
fa5p-sliders-v |
Vertical Sliders |
fa5p-sliders-v-square |
Square Vertical Sliders |
fa5p-slideshare |
Slideshare |
fa5p-smile |
Smiling Face |
fa5p-smile-beam |
Beaming Face With Smiling Eyes |
fa5p-smile-plus |
Smiling Face Plus |
fa5p-smile-wink |
Winking Face |
fa5p-smog |
Smog |
fa5p-smoke |
Smoke |
fa5p-smoking |
Smoking |
fa5p-smoking-ban |
Smoking Ban |
fa5p-snake |
Snake |
fa5p-snapchat |
Snapchat |
fa5p-snapchat-ghost |
Snapchat Ghost |
fa5p-snapchat-square |
Snapchat Square |
fa5p-snow-blowing |
Snow Blowing |
fa5p-snowflake |
Snowflake |
fa5p-socks |
Socks |
fa5p-solar-panel |
Solar Panel |
fa5p-sort |
Sort |
fa5p-sort-alpha-down |
Sort Alpha Down |
fa5p-sort-alpha-up |
Sort Alpha Up |
fa5p-sort-amount-down |
Sort Amount Down |
fa5p-sort-amount-up |
Sort Amount Up |
fa5p-sort-down |
Sort Down (Descending) |
fa5p-sort-numeric-down |
Sort Numeric Down |
fa5p-sort-numeric-up |
Sort Numeric Up |
fa5p-sort-up |
Sort Up (Ascending) |
fa5p-soundcloud |
SoundCloud |
fa5p-spa |
Spa |
fa5p-space-shuttle |
Space Shuttle |
fa5p-spade |
Spade |
fa5p-speakap |
Speakap |
fa5p-spider |
Spider |
fa5p-spider-black-widow |
Black Widow Spider |
fa5p-spider-web |
Spider Web |
fa5p-spinner |
Spinner |
fa5p-spinner-third |
Spinner Third |
fa5p-splotch |
Splotch |
fa5p-spotify |
Spotify |
fa5p-spray-can |
Spray Can |
fa5p-square |
Square |
fa5p-square-full |
Square Full |
fa5p-square-root |
Square Root |
fa5p-square-root-alt |
Square Root Alternate |
fa5p-squarespace |
Squarespace |
fa5p-squirrel |
Squirrel |
fa5p-stack-exchange |
Stack Exchange |
fa5p-stack-overflow |
Stack Overflow |
fa5p-staff |
Staff |
fa5p-stamp |
Stamp |
fa5p-star |
Star |
fa5p-star-and-crescent |
Star and Crescent |
fa5p-star-exclamation |
Exclamation Star |
fa5p-star-half |
star-half |
fa5p-star-half-alt |
Alternate Star Half |
fa5p-star-of-david |
Star of David |
fa5p-star-of-life |
Star of Life |
fa5p-stars |
Stars |
fa5p-staylinked |
StayLinked |
fa5p-steam |
Steam |
fa5p-steam-square |
Steam Square |
fa5p-steam-symbol |
Steam Symbol |
fa5p-steering-wheel |
Wheel Steering |
fa5p-step-backward |
step-backward |
fa5p-step-forward |
step-forward |
fa5p-stethoscope |
Stethoscope |
fa5p-sticker-mule |
Sticker Mule |
fa5p-sticky-note |
Sticky Note |
fa5p-stomach |
Stomach |
fa5p-stop |
stop |
fa5p-stop-circle |
Stop Circle |
fa5p-stopwatch |
Stopwatch |
fa5p-store |
Store |
fa5p-store-alt |
Alternate Store |
fa5p-strava |
Strava |
fa5p-stream |
Stream |
fa5p-street-view |
Street View |
fa5p-strikethrough |
Strikethrough |
fa5p-stripe |
Stripe |
fa5p-stripe-s |
Stripe S |
fa5p-stroopwafel |
Stroopwafel |
fa5p-studiovinari |
Studio Vinari |
fa5p-stumbleupon |
StumbleUpon Logo |
fa5p-stumbleupon-circle |
StumbleUpon Circle |
fa5p-subscript |
subscript |
fa5p-subway |
Subway |
fa5p-suitcase |
Suitcase |
fa5p-suitcase-rolling |
Suitcase Rolling |
fa5p-sun |
Sun |
fa5p-sun-cloud |
Sun with Cloud |
fa5p-sun-dust |
Sun Dust |
fa5p-sun-haze |
Sun Haze |
fa5p-sunrise |
Sunrise |
fa5p-sunset |
Sunset |
fa5p-superpowers |
Superpowers |
fa5p-superscript |
superscript |
fa5p-supple |
Supple |
fa5p-surprise |
Hushed Face |
fa5p-swatchbook |
Swatchbook |
fa5p-swimmer |
Swimmer |
fa5p-swimming-pool |
Swimming Pool |
fa5p-sword |
Sword |
fa5p-swords |
Swords |
fa5p-synagogue |
Synagogue |
fa5p-sync |
Sync |
fa5p-sync-alt |
Alternate Sync |
fa5p-syringe |
Syringe |
fa5p-table |
table |
fa5p-table-tennis |
Table Tennis |
fa5p-tablet |
tablet |
fa5p-tablet-alt |
Alternate Tablet |
fa5p-tablet-android |
Tablet Android |
fa5p-tablet-android-alt |
Alternate Tablet Android |
fa5p-tablet-rugged |
Rugged Tablet |
fa5p-tablets |
Tablets |
fa5p-tachometer |
Tachometer |
fa5p-tachometer-alt |
Alternate Tachometer |
fa5p-tachometer-alt-average |
Tachometer Alternate Average |
fa5p-tachometer-alt-fast |
Tachometer Alternate Fast |
fa5p-tachometer-alt-fastest |
Tachometer Alternate Fastest |
fa5p-tachometer-alt-slow |
Tachometer Alternate Slow |
fa5p-tachometer-alt-slowest |
Tachometer Alternate Slowest |
fa5p-tachometer-average |
Tachometer Average |
fa5p-tachometer-fast |
Tachometer Fast |
fa5p-tachometer-fastest |
Tachometer Fastest |
fa5p-tachometer-slow |
Tachometer Slow |
fa5p-tachometer-slowest |
Tachometer Slowest |
fa5p-tag |
tag |
fa5p-tags |
tags |
fa5p-tally |
Tally |
fa5p-tape |
Tape |
fa5p-tasks |
Tasks |
fa5p-taxi |
Taxi |
fa5p-teamspeak |
TeamSpeak |
fa5p-teeth |
Teeth |
fa5p-teeth-open |
Teeth Open |
fa5p-telegram |
Telegram |
fa5p-telegram-plane |
Telegram Plane |
fa5p-temperature-frigid |
Temperature Frigid |
fa5p-temperature-high |
High Temperature |
fa5p-temperature-hot |
Temperature Hot |
fa5p-temperature-low |
Low Temperature |
fa5p-tencent-weibo |
Tencent Weibo |
fa5p-tennis-ball |
Tennis Ball |
fa5p-terminal |
Terminal |
fa5p-text-height |
text-height |
fa5p-text-width |
text-width |
fa5p-th |
th |
fa5p-th-large |
th-large |
fa5p-th-list |
th-list |
fa5p-the-red-yeti |
The Red Yeti |
fa5p-theater-masks |
Theater Masks |
fa5p-themeco |
Themeco |
fa5p-themeisle |
ThemeIsle |
fa5p-thermometer |
Thermometer |
fa5p-thermometer-empty |
Thermometer Empty |
fa5p-thermometer-full |
Thermometer Full |
fa5p-thermometer-half |
Thermometer 1/2 Full |
fa5p-thermometer-quarter |
Thermometer 1/4 Full |
fa5p-thermometer-three-quarters |
Thermometer 3/4 Full |
fa5p-theta |
Theta |
fa5p-think-peaks |
Think Peaks |
fa5p-thumbs-down |
thumbs-down |
fa5p-thumbs-up |
thumbs-up |
fa5p-thumbtack |
Thumbtack |
fa5p-thunderstorm |
Thunderstorm |
fa5p-thunderstorm-moon |
Thunderstorm with Moon |
fa5p-thunderstorm-sun |
Thunderstorm with Sun |
fa5p-ticket |
Ticket |
fa5p-ticket-alt |
Alternate Ticket |
fa5p-tilde |
Tilde |
fa5p-times |
Times |
fa5p-times-circle |
Times Circle |
fa5p-times-hexagon |
Times Hexagon |
fa5p-times-octagon |
Times Octagon |
fa5p-times-square |
Times Square |
fa5p-tint |
tint |
fa5p-tint-slash |
Tint Slash |
fa5p-tire |
Tire |
fa5p-tire-flat |
Tire Flat |
fa5p-tire-pressure-warning |
Tire Pressure-warning |
fa5p-tire-rugged |
Tire Rugged |
fa5p-tired |
Tired Face |
fa5p-toggle-off |
Toggle Off |
fa5p-toggle-on |
Toggle On |
fa5p-toilet-paper |
Toilet Paper |
fa5p-toilet-paper-alt |
Alternate Toilet Paper |
fa5p-tombstone |
Tombstone |
fa5p-tombstone-alt |
Alternate Tombstone |
fa5p-toolbox |
Toolbox |
fa5p-tooth |
Tooth |
fa5p-toothbrush |
Toothbrush |
fa5p-torah |
Torah |
fa5p-torii-gate |
Torii Gate |
fa5p-tornado |
Tornado |
fa5p-tractor |
Tractor |
fa5p-trade-federation |
Trade Federation |
fa5p-trademark |
Trademark |
fa5p-traffic-cone |
Traffic Cone |
fa5p-traffic-light |
Traffic Light |
fa5p-traffic-light-go |
Traffic Light-go |
fa5p-traffic-light-slow |
Traffic Light-slow |
fa5p-traffic-light-stop |
Traffic Light-stop |
fa5p-train |
Train |
fa5p-transgender |
Transgender |
fa5p-transgender-alt |
Alternate Transgender |
fa5p-trash |
Trash |
fa5p-trash-alt |
Alternate Trash |
fa5p-treasure-chest |
Treasure Chest |
fa5p-tree |
Tree |
fa5p-tree-alt |
Alternate Tree |
fa5p-trees |
Trees |
fa5p-trello |
Trello |
fa5p-triangle |
Triangle |
fa5p-tripadvisor |
TripAdvisor |
fa5p-trophy |
trophy |
fa5p-trophy-alt |
Alternate Trophy |
fa5p-truck |
truck |
fa5p-truck-container |
Truck Container |
fa5p-truck-couch |
Truck Couch |
fa5p-truck-loading |
Truck Loading |
fa5p-truck-monster |
Truck Monster |
fa5p-truck-moving |
Truck Moving |
fa5p-truck-pickup |
Truck Side |
fa5p-truck-ramp |
Truck Ramp |
fa5p-tshirt |
T-Shirt |
fa5p-tty |
fa5p-tumblr |
Tumblr |
fa5p-tumblr-square |
Tumblr Square |
fa5p-turkey |
Turkey |
fa5p-turtle |
Turtle |
fa5p-tv |
Television |
fa5p-tv-retro |
Retro Televison |
fa5p-twitch |
Twitch |
fa5p-twitter |
Twitter |
fa5p-twitter-square |
Twitter Square |
fa5p-typo3 |
Typo3 |
fa5p-uber |
Uber |
fa5p-uikit |
UIkit |
fa5p-umbrella |
Umbrella |
fa5p-umbrella-beach |
Umbrella Beach |
fa5p-underline |
Underline |
fa5p-undo |
Undo |
fa5p-undo-alt |
Alternate Undo |
fa5p-unicorn |
Unicorn |
fa5p-union |
Union |
fa5p-uniregistry |
Uniregistry |
fa5p-universal-access |
Universal Access |
fa5p-university |
University |
fa5p-unlink |
unlink |
fa5p-unlock |
unlock |
fa5p-unlock-alt |
Alternate Unlock |
fa5p-untappd |
Untappd |
fa5p-upload |
Upload |
fa5p-usb |
fa5p-usd-circle |
US Dollar Circle |
fa5p-usd-square |
US Dollar Square |
fa5p-user |
User |
fa5p-user-alt |
Alternate User |
fa5p-user-alt-slash |
Alternate User Slash |
fa5p-user-astronaut |
User Astronaut |
fa5p-user-chart |
User Chart |
fa5p-user-check |
User Check |
fa5p-user-circle |
User Circle |
fa5p-user-clock |
User Clock |
fa5p-user-cog |
User Cog |
fa5p-user-crown |
User Crown |
fa5p-user-edit |
User Edit |
fa5p-user-friends |
User Friends |
fa5p-user-graduate |
User Graduate |
fa5p-user-injured |
User Injured |
fa5p-user-lock |
User Lock |
fa5p-user-md |
user-md |
fa5p-user-minus |
User Minus |
fa5p-user-ninja |
User Ninja |
fa5p-user-plus |
User Plus |
fa5p-user-secret |
User Secret |
fa5p-user-shield |
User Shield |
fa5p-user-slash |
User Slash |
fa5p-user-tag |
User Tag |
fa5p-user-tie |
User Tie |
fa5p-user-times |
Remove User |
fa5p-users |
Users |
fa5p-users-class |
Users Class |
fa5p-users-cog |
Users Cog |
fa5p-users-crown |
Users Crown |
fa5p-ussunnah |
us-Sunnah Foundation |
fa5p-utensil-fork |
Utensil Fork |
fa5p-utensil-knife |
Utensil Knife |
fa5p-utensil-spoon |
Utensil Spoon |
fa5p-utensils |
Utensils |
fa5p-utensils-alt |
Alternate Utensils |
fa5p-vaadin |
Vaadin |
fa5p-value-absolute |
Value Absolute |
fa5p-vector-square |
Vector Square |
fa5p-venus |
Venus |
fa5p-venus-double |
Venus Double |
fa5p-venus-mars |
Venus Mars |
fa5p-viacoin |
Viacoin |
fa5p-viadeo |
Video |
fa5p-viadeo-square |
Video Square |
fa5p-vial |
Vial |
fa5p-vials |
Vials |
fa5p-viber |
Viber |
fa5p-video |
Video |
fa5p-video-plus |
Video Plus |
fa5p-video-slash |
Video Slash |
fa5p-vihara |
Vihara |
fa5p-vimeo |
Vimeo |
fa5p-vimeo-square |
Vimeo Square |
fa5p-vimeo-v |
Vimeo |
fa5p-vine |
Vine |
fa5p-vk |
VK |
fa5p-vnv |
fa5p-volcano |
Volcano |
fa5p-volleyball-ball |
Volleyball Ball |
fa5p-volume |
Volume |
fa5p-volume-down |
Volume Down |
fa5p-volume-mute |
Volume Mute |
fa5p-volume-off |
Volume Off |
fa5p-volume-slash |
Volume Slash |
fa5p-volume-up |
Volume Up |
fa5p-vote-nay |
Vote Nay |
fa5p-vote-yea |
Vote Yea |
fa5p-vr-cardboard |
Cardboard VR |
fa5p-vuejs |
Vue.js |
fa5p-walking |
Walking |
fa5p-wallet |
Wallet |
fa5p-wand |
Wand |
fa5p-wand-magic |
Wand Magic |
fa5p-warehouse |
Warehouse |
fa5p-warehouse-alt |
Alternate Warehouse |
fa5p-watch |
Watch |
fa5p-watch-fitness |
Watch Fitness |
fa5p-water |
Water |
fa5p-water-lower |
Lower Water Level |
fa5p-water-rise |
Rising Water Level |
fa5p-weebly |
Weebly |
fa5p-weibo |
Weibo |
fa5p-weight |
Weight |
fa5p-weight-hanging |
Hanging Weight |
fa5p-weixin |
Weixin (WeChat) |
fa5p-whale |
Whale |
fa5p-whatsapp |
What's App |
fa5p-whatsapp-square |
What's App Square |
fa5p-wheat |
Wheat |
fa5p-wheelchair |
Wheelchair |
fa5p-whistle |
Whistle |
fa5p-whmcs |
fa5p-wifi |
WiFi |
fa5p-wifi-1 |
Wifi 1 |
fa5p-wifi-2 |
Wifi 2 |
fa5p-wifi-slash |
Wifi Slash |
fa5p-wikipedia-w |
Wikipedia W |
fa5p-wind |
Wind |
fa5p-wind-warning |
Wind Warning |
fa5p-window |
Window |
fa5p-window-alt |
Alternate Window |
fa5p-window-close |
Window Close |
fa5p-window-maximize |
Window Maximize |
fa5p-window-minimize |
Window Minimize |
fa5p-window-restore |
Window Restore |
fa5p-windows |
Windows |
fa5p-windsock |
Windsock |
fa5p-wine-bottle |
Wine Bottle |
fa5p-wine-glass |
Wine Glass |
fa5p-wine-glass-alt |
Alternate Wine Glas |
fa5p-wix |
Wix |
fa5p-wizards-of-the-coast |
Wizards of the Coast |
fa5p-wolf-pack-battalion |
Wolf Pack Battalion |
fa5p-won-sign |
Won Sign |
fa5p-wordpress |
WordPress Logo |
fa5p-wordpress-simple |
Wordpress Simple |
fa5p-wpbeginner |
WPBeginner |
fa5p-wpexplorer |
WPExplorer |
fa5p-wpforms |
WPForms |
fa5p-wpressr |
wpressr |
fa5p-wrench |
Wrench |
fa5p-x-ray |
X-Ray |
fa5p-xbox |
Xbox |
fa5p-xing |
Xing |
fa5p-xing-square |
Xing Square |
fa5p-y-combinator |
Y Combinator |
fa5p-yahoo |
Yahoo Logo |
fa5p-yandex |
Yandex |
fa5p-yandex-international |
Yandex International |
fa5p-yelp |
Yelp |
fa5p-yen-sign |
Yen Sign |
fa5p-yin-yang |
Yin Yang |
fa5p-yoast |
Yoast |
fa5p-youtube |
YouTube |
fa5p-youtube-square |
YouTube Square |
fa5p-zhihu |
Zhihu |
@fa5p-ul |
Unordered list. Apply on ul element |
@fa5p-li |
List item. Apply on span element inside li element |
@fa5p-border |
Icon with border |
@fa5p-pull-right |
Pull icon to right |
@fa5p-pull-left |
Pull icon to left |
@fa5p-spin |
Animates continuously rotating icon |
@fa5p-pulse |
Animates 8 step rotating icon |
@fa5p-rotate-90 |
Rotates icon by 90 degrees |
@fa5p-rotate-180 |
Rotates icon by 180 degrees |
@fa5p-rotate-270 |
Rotates icon by 270 degrees |
@fa5p-flip-horizontal |
Flips icon horizontally |
@fa5p-flip-vertical |
Flips icon vertically |
@fa5p-stack |
Stacks multiple icons. Apply on parent |
@fa5p-stack-1x |
Regular sized stacked icon |
@fa5p-stack-2x |
Larger sized stacked icon |
@fa5p-inverse |
Alternative colored icon |