Blick Development VSCode Extension
A collection of the most essential extensions for developers.
Extensions included
- Better Comments: Improve your code commenting by annotating with alert, informational, TODOs, and more!
- Project Manager: Easily switch between projects
- ZipFS - a zip file system: Allows to easily inspect and modify files stored within zip archives.
- Unique Lines: Keep unique lines of text and remove duplicates from current selection. Also includes a command to shuffle currently selected lines.
- ESLint: Integrates ESLint JavaScript into VS Code
- GitLens: Visualize code authorship at a glance
- Prettier - Code formatter: Code formatter using prettier
- GitHub Pull Requests and Issues: Pull Request and Issue Provider for GitHub
- GraphQL: Language Feature Support: GraphQL LSP extension that adds autocompletion, validation, go to definition, hover, outline and more.
- Path Autocomplete: Provides path completion for visual studio code.
- DotENV: Support for dotenv file syntax
- Live Share: Real-time collaborative development from the comfort of your favorite tools.
- Version Lens: Shows the latest version for each package using code lens
- File Utils: A convenient way of creating, duplicating, moving, renaming and deleting files and directories.
- vscode-styled-components: Syntax highlighting for styled-components
- Visual Studio IntelliCode: AI-assisted development
- change-case: Quickly change the case (camelCase, CONSTANT_CASE, snake_case, etc) of the current selection or current word
- Markdown All in One: All you need to write Markdown (keyboard shortcuts, table of contents, auto preview and more)
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