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DeejayDev Extension Pack
Everything you need to enjoy an AI-powered 🤖 development experience.
📦 Out of the box:
Auto Close Tag : Automatically add HTML/XML close tag, same as Visual Studio IDE or Sublime Text.
Auto Rename Tag : Auto rename paired HTML/XML/JSX/TSX tag.
AWS Toolkit : Including Amazon Q, CodeWhisperer, CodeCatalyst, Application Composer, and support for Lambda, S3, CloudWatch Logs, CloudFormation, and many other services
Bookmarks : Mark lines and jump to them.
Better Comments : Improve your code commenting by annotating with alert, informational, TODOs, and more!
Code Spell Checker : Spelling checker for source code.
Color Highlight : Highlight web colors in your editor.
Pretty TypeScript Errors : Make TypeScript errors prettier and more human-readable in VSCode
Trouble Installing?
Phind.com - Code faster with AI : Search-enabled assistant for programmers
Thunder Client : Lightweight Rest API Client for VS Code
🙌🏽 Contributing
If you would like to contribute to this extension
Clone the repo:
git clone https://github.com/danju4rizzl/vscode-ultimate-web-development-pack.git
Add an extension to the package.json
add or remove your extension
You need to install The Visual Studio Code Extension Manager globally with: npm install --global @vscode/vsce
If you need an access token, follow this guide to get it: Azure DevOps after you get your token run: vsce publish
to pubish to vscode marketplace
Once you are done adding your package you can run the following commands to build and test the extension in your local vscode:
npm run build
pnpm run build
When you are happy with your changes, submit your pull request
Enjoy 👍🏽