Advanced Java + Quarkus + Spring Boot Extension CollectionThis extension pack combines the most frequently used and some of the most helpful VSCode Java, Quarkus, and Spring Boot extensions. It's perfectly fine if you don't require all of them. Note that I have included two free AI tools, Phind and Codeium. Feel free to choose the ones you prefer! The items do not necessarily stay in order of importance. If you have suggestions for other extensions, please send me a message. Extensions Included🎯Java Extension Pack - Java Extension Pack is a collection of popular extensions that can help write, test and debug Java applications in Visual Studio Code. Check out Java in VS Code to get started. This package includes:
🎯Maven for Java - A comprehensive project management tool for Java. It provides support for project build lifecycle, dependencies, and documentation. 🎯Language Support for Java(TM) by Red Hat - Offers rich Java language support including IntelliSense, code navigation, symbol search, and debugging. 🎯Spring Boot Extension Pack - Collection of extensions for developing and deploying Spring Boot Application. This package includes:
🎯Quarkus Tools - This extension provides a set of tools for developing Quarkus applications in Visual Studio Code. It includes features like project generation, code completion, and application boot and debug capabilities. 🎯Quarkus Snippets - This extension provides a collection of code snippets for Quarkus, a Kubernetes-native Java stack tailored for GraalVM and OpenJDK HotSpot. It can help you to speed up your development process by providing ready-to-use code templates for various Quarkus components. 🎯Docker - Makes it easy to create, manage, and debug containerized applications. 🎯Docker Compose - This extension helps you to create, manage, and debug multi-container Docker applications defined with Docker Compose. It provides an explorer to view and manage your Docker Compose files, and integrates with the Docker extension to provide a seamless experience. 🎯Kubernetes Tools - Develop and manage Kubernetes applications in VSCode with Kubernetes Tools. 🎯Remote - Containers - Allows the use of a Docker container as a full-featured development environment. It lets you open any folder inside (or mounted into) a container and take advantage of Visual Studio Code's full feature set. 🎯Jenkins - The official Jenkins extension for Visual Studio Code. 🎯Red Hat Dependency Analytics - Provides an ecosystem of tools to gain insights and visualize your project dependencies. It helps to identify potential security vulnerabilities and licensing issues. 🎯Tools for MicroProfile - Provides essential APIs for cloud-native microservices. It includes features for configuration, health checks, metrics, fault tolerance, and more. 🎯Live Server - Launches a local development server with live reload feature for static and dynamic pages. 🎯Local Tomcat - Debug or run your java war package in Apache Tomcat. This extension provides a user interface for Tomcat, only, you'll need to have Tomcat installed in order to use it. 🎯SonarLint - SonarLint is an IDE extension that helps you detect and fix quality issues as you write code in JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, Java, HTML and PHP. A must-have for corporate environments! 🎯Lombok - A lightweight extension to support Lombok annotations processing in Visual Studio Code. If you don't use Lombok in your projects, you can disable this extension. 🎯Java Builder - Generate boilerplate code snippets with Code Builder. 🎯Java Generate Setters and Getters - Generate getters and setters for your Java classes with Java Generate Setters and Getters. 🎯AutoCoder -This extension is an automatic coding tool that helps to improve coding efficiency by providing ready-to-use code snippets and templates." 🎯Java-Properties - This extension provides support for Java .properties files, which are often used for storing configurable parameters of an application. 🎯GitHub Codespaces - GitHub Codespaces is an online integrated development environment (IDE) which includes everything you need to develop for GitHub—including a text editor, terminal, and filesystem Source. 🎯GitLens — Git supercharged - GitLens supercharges the Git capabilities built into Visual Studio Code. It helps you to visualize code authorship at a glance via Git blame annotations and code lens, seamlessly navigate and explore Git repositories, gain valuable insights via powerful comparison commands, and so much more Source. 🎯WSL - If you are using Windows, you may need to install the WSL extension to seamlessly integrate your operating system with the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). 🎯TODO Tree - Keep track of all TODO and FIXME comments in your workspace with Todo Tree. 🎯 - Phind is a proprietary extension developed by Phind. It provides AI-powered assistance to developers, helping them to write and debug their code more efficiently. 🎯Codeium - This could be a proprietary or less-known extension that provides specific functionality. You may need to refer to its documentation for more details. 🎯ASDF - ASDF, the version manager, gets some love in VSCode with this extension. 🎯Google Translate - Translate text directly in VSCode with the help of Google Translate. 🎯Checkstyle for Java - Provide real-time feedback about Checkstyle violations and quick fix actions. Great extension to make sure you're following the code conventions (can customize to use Google or Sun convention). 🎯Bracket Pair Color DLW - This extension is used to color matching brackets in code. It helps in quickly spotting matching brackets and improves code readability. 🎯Presentation Mode - This extension enlarges your code and your cursor, making it easier to present your code to an audience. 🎯java colored sysout - This extension might be used to print colored text in Java, improving the readability of console output. 🎯Material Icon Theme - Bring the Material Design aesthetic to your files and folders with Material Icon Theme. 🎯XML - XML Language Support by Red Hat. 🎯YAML - This extension provides comprehensive support for YAML, a human-readable data serialization language. It includes features like validation, hover support, document outlining, and more. Enjoy using these extensions! Let me know if you have any further questions. |