Code Builder
Build & Run Code files for C, C++, Java, JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, R, Ruby, Go with or without Input & Output Files.
- Run code file of current active Text Editor
- Run code file With IO Files
- Select Languages at which the Extension will show Run Button
- Run Code in External Terminal
- Run Custom Specified Commands
- To run code:
- use shortcut
- or press
and then Select/Type Code Builder : Build & Run File
- To run code with IO Files :
- use shortcut
- or press
and then Select/Type Code Builder : Build & Run File with IO Files
- To set Project Build Command :
- use shortcut
- or press
and then Select/Type Code Builder : Set Project Build Command
- To run Custom Command :
- use shortcut
- or press
and then Select/Type Code Builder : Run Custom Command
- To Stop Build :
- use shortcut
- or press
and then Select/Type Code Builder : Stop Build
- To Set Input File Path:
- use shortcut
- or press
and then Select/Type Code Builder : Set Input File Path
- To Set Output File Path:
- use shortcut
- or press
and then Select/Type Code Builder : Set Output File Path
- To Set ClassPath:
- use shortcut
- or press
and then Select/Type Code Builder : Set Class Path
Make sure the executor PATH of each language is set in the environment variable.
You could also add entry into
to set the executor PATH.
Note : if you add an entry in executorMap make sure that language for which you added the entry is present in Language Selector as well otherwise run button will not show in editor.
"": {
"c": "cd $dir && g++ $fileName $compilerArgs -o $fileNameWithoutExt && ./$fileNameWithoutExt",
"cpp": "cd $dir && g++ $fileName $compilerArgs -o $fileNameWithoutExt && ./$fileNameWithoutExt",
"python": "cd $dir && python $fileName",
"java": "cd $dir && javac -cp $classPath $fileName && java -cp $classPath $qualifiedName",
"javascript": "cd $dir && node $fileName",
"typescript": "cd $dir && ts-node $fileName",
"ruby": "cd $dir && ruby $fileName",
"go": "cd $dir && go build $fileName && $dir$fileNameWithoutExt",
"r": "cd $dir && Rscript $fileName",
"rust":"cargo run"
Supported customized parameters
- $dir: The directory of the code file being run
- $fileName: The base name of the code file being run, that is the file without the directory
- $fileNameWithoutExt: The base name of the code file being run without its extension
- $compilerArgs: The Compiler Arguments for the Code File
- $classPath: the ClassPath for Java Source Files
- $qualifiedName: The qualified name of the Java code file
Please take care of the back slash and the space in file path of the executor
- Back slash: please use
- If there are spaces in file path, please use
to surround your file path
To set Custom Command which will be executed by Run Custom Command
(Default is Given Below) :
"": "echo hello"
To set the languages at which the run button will show(Default is Given Below):
Note : After Editing this setting restart or reload visual studio code for changes to take effect. These are the identifiers which vs code provides (
"" : ["java", "python", "cpp", "c", "javascript","typescript", "ruby", "go", "r", "rust"]
To set whether to save the current file before running (default is true):
"": true
To set Whether to log the Debug data in Console (default is false):
"": false
To set Whether to Clear the Terminal before Every Run (default is true):
"": true
To set Whether to Preserve Focus at every run or not (default is false):
"": false
To set Input File Path which will be replaced with $inputFilePath (default is "") :
Note : Edit this setting through Set Input File Path command only
"": ""
To set Output File Path for replaced with $outputFilePath (default is "") :
Note : Edit this setting through Set Output File Path command only
"": ""
To set Project Build Command (Default is null) :
"": null
Language Specific Configuration:
To set what Compiler Argument to use with C Build Command
"code-builder.c.compilerArgs": ""
To set what Compiler Argument to use with CPP Build Command
"code-builder.cpp.compilerArgs": ""
To set Whether to use Automatic Class Path Detection (default is false):
Note : This is an Experimental Feature and may have some issues
"": false
To set ClassPath for Java Source Files which will be Replaced with $classPath (default is "." , the JVM will use Current Director as ClassPath) :
Note : Edit this setting through Set Class Path command only
"": "."
External Terminals Support:
By Default the Code Builder provides the settings for cmd on Windows and Terminal app on MAC. But if you want to change the external terminal you can do so by going in Preferences -> Terminal -> External
and Copying and Pasting the name of External Terminal for your Environment. Here is the List of Names which are Supported.
Windows : cmd
MAC :,
Linux : mate-terminal, tilix, gnome-terminal, konsole, xfce4-terminal
Q : How to use external jars with Code Builder ?
A : Turn on useAutoClassPath
and place the jars in lib folder under project root.
Q : Getting ClassNotFound Exception when running Java files ?
A : If you are using Package Declaration in your Java source files then Turn on the UseAutoClassPath
. If it is still not fixed then raise an issue in repo.
Q : ts-node
Command not Found?
A : Install the ts-node Globally by npm install -g ts-node
on Windows and sudo npm install -g ts-node
on Mac/Linux.
Q : Build Button not Showing in editor menu?
A : Make Sure that the language you are using is present in Code Builder's Language Selector setting. If it is not present then add it. Make sure it complies with visual studio's Language identifiers. Here is the List of Identifiers.
Release Notes
- Add Videos/Tutorial for Extension
- Interactive Process Detection for Stop Command
- Runtime Information Statistics
- Add Support for More Languages
- Python Virtual Environment Support
- Shebang Support
- Simplification of Settings
Submit the issues if you find any bug or have any suggestion.
Fork the repo and submit pull requests.