Install EmbeddedV Studio from VS Code Marketplace, or just search "EmbeddedV" in VS Code extensions and install.
Once the EmbeddedV Studio Plugin is successfully installed, restart your VS Code. It will check if all the EmbeddedV Studio required software and VS Code extensions are installed on your computer.
The check result will be presented on VS Code welcome screen.
If your computer is missing some of them, please install the missing part as per provided command and hint.
Open a EmbeddedV workspace with VS Code and start your journey :wink:
Connect with your target board via debugger
It's recommended to use J-Link with the VS Code for the firmware programming and debugging.
ST-Link is also supported with additional VS Code extension.
Connect USB cable to the debugger and connect JTAG to your target board.
Turn on the power of target board and check the JTAG connection in VS Code.
What are the necessary softwares and VS Code extensions
EmbeddedV Studio will detect your system environment during installation,
and prepare a batch file for auto-install the following softwares (by using chocolatey package manager for Windows)