Create Cpp Project Create new c++ project. For this project, a CmakeLists.txt file is created and already contains the basic information, we can easily run and debug with configured vscode tasks.
Create Cpp Class Create new c++ class. Input a valid class name, a .h and .cpp file are created in current working directory.
Create Compile Commands Json Create a compile_commands.json file for current project when you build the project with visual studio, but it's just a temporary solution. It's better to use cmake to generate compile_commands.json file.
Path Copy Copy Copy the path of current file or folder which you select to clipboard. Path Copy Copy adds contextual menu items on all files and folders allowing the user to copy the path in various formats.
Add Special File add some files into your workspase.
How to use
Go to command pallete(Ctrl + Shift + P).
Select the command what you want to do. For example, Create Cpp Project.
Enter cppp to find commands quickly.
If you want to use this project, you need to install Cmake. It would be best if you install the latest version.
If you are on windows, you need to install Visual Studio, or need to install MinGW.
If you are on linux, you need to install GCC, or need to install LLVM.
In fact, this extension depends on other extensions C/C++, CMake Tools, it would be better if you install them first. For llvm debug support, it needs CodeLLDB.