Squirrelsong Light Theme 🐿️

A low-contrast, non-distracting and neurodiverse-friendly theme that is comfortable for all-day coding without sensory overstimulation, and perfect for developers with ADHD, autism, or highly sensitive people (HSP). No bright colors, no super-high contrast, no distractions. Soft colors but still enough legibility for different part of the code and UI.
Install on Visual Studio Code Marketplace

- Low contrast with great readability
- Made for web developers and highly sensitive people
- Monochrome Markdown styles
- Consistent highlighting for different programming languages
- Non-distracting UI
- Open Extensions sidebar panel in VS Code: View → Extensions.
- Search for
Squirrelsong Light
- Click Install to install it.
- Choose Code → Preferences → Color Theme →
Squirrelsong Light
Recommended settings
I recommend to also install Catppuccin Icons icons pack (I use the Latte
Here are my settings related to theming and typography:
// This is all that matters
'workbench.colorTheme': 'Squirrelsong Light',
// Monolisa (https://www.monolisa.dev) is a paid font but I love it,
// Hack and JetBrains Mono are good free alternatives
'editor.fontFamily': 'MonoLisa',
// Enable contextual alternative but disable ligatures
'editor.fontLigatures': "'calt' on, 'liga' off",
'editor.fontSize': 17,
'editor.lineHeight': 1.6,
'editor.cursorBlinking': 'solid',
'editor.cursorStyle': 'line',
'editor.cursorWidth': 2,
'editor.semanticHighlighting.enabled': true,
'window.zoomLevel': 0.15,
'workbench.fontAliasing': 'auto',
// If you also install Catppuccin Icons
'workbench.iconTheme': 'catppuccin-latte',
'catppuccin-icons.hidesExplorerArrows': true
More screenshots

How to make the integrated terminal dark?
To use the Squirrelsong Dark theme in the integrated terminal, choose the Squirrelsong Light (Dark Terminal)
theme instead of the Squirrelsong Light
Also, add these two options to your config:
// Without this line colors will be washed out
'terminal.integrated.minimumContrastRatio': 1,
// Use normal colors for bold text
'terminal.integrated.drawBoldTextInBrightColors': false

Try Squirrelsong for other apps
Squirrelsong is also available for Alfred, CotEditor, Chrome, iTerm2, JetBrains, Marta File Manager, Midnight Commander, Nimble Commander, Prism, Slack, Sublime Text, Telegram, Terminal.app, Vivaldi, Warp, WezTerm, and more…
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Check out my other Visual Studio Code extensions:
Maintaining a color theme for multiple editors takes time and coffee, buy me one more cup to keep it going.

Authors and license
Artem Sapegin and contributors.
The MIT License, see the included License.md file.