TypeScript Frontend Extension PackAn opinionated selection of popular VS Code extensions for a TypeScript frontend. Marketplace Link: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=lukedavis.typescript-frontend-extension-pack ExtensionsLinting/Formatting Developer Environment In-File
QuickstartIn order to make the most out of this extension pack, you will need to set up a few things on your project. Feel free to skip a section if you already have it set up. ESLint (JS/TS Linter)If you aren't familiar with ESLint, I would advise reading up on ESLint and it's package for TypeScript applications, typescript-eslint. Setup Create an ESLint config file in the root of your project. If using TypeScript, follow this quickstart guide from typescript-eslint. EditorConfigEditorConfig is great for keeping general consistency across your codebase, especially with multiple developers. Setup Create a
Prettier (Code Formatter)Although most are probably familiar with Prettier, I highly advise creating a Prettier config file and customizing it to your taste if you haven't. Setup I recommend this basic starting configuration:
Prettier with plugins can be incredibly powerful. These are the ones I use in my projects.