Fusion for VS Code
The Fusion Extension Pack is a set of extensions that enhance the development
experience when using Visual Studio Code. It includes the following set of Visual
Studio Code extensions:
- Better Comments,
used for color coding the types of codes based on convention.
- Cloud Code,
used for shortcuts and basic features of the Google Cloud Platform
- Code Spell Checker,
used to ensure proper spelling of function names, variables, etc.
- Debugger for Chrome,
used for quicker debugging within Google Chrome.
- Docker,
used for quick insights and actions on Docker resources.
- EditorConfig for VS Code,
used for applying configurations defined in .editorconfig files.
- ES7 React/Redux/GraphQL/React-Native snippets,
used for shortcuts for common coding
- ESLint,
used to ensure developers are coding within ECMAScript linting standards.
- Github Markdown Preview,
used to preview Markdown files since code is hosted on GitHub.
- GitLens,
used to gather quick insights into code history and authorship.
- Kubernetes,
used for quicker insights and actions into Kubernetes resources.
- Markdown All in One,
used to making writing in Markdown faster.
- Markdown Preview Github Styling,
used for additional styling of Markdown files based on GitHub.
- markdownlint,
used to ensure developers follow proper standards when writing Markdown.
- Open in GitHub, Bitbucket, Gitlab, VisualStudio.com,
used to quickly view the source code in a central repository using interfaces
like GitHub.
- Pandju,
used to theme VS Code in a clean, colorized, and crisp way.
- Reflow Markdown,
used to automagically format Markdown files especially keeping line lengths
under control.
- shell-format,
used to format .bash and .sh files.
- Toggle Excluded Files,
used to quickly view files that have been excluded from view in the workspace.
- vscode-bazel,
used to view Bazel targets and access shortcuts for building and debugging.
used to format .yml or .yaml files.
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