Atomized Theme
Atomized Theme is a combination of both Atom's iconic theme and Material Theme's syntax highlighting. A relief for sore eyes!
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Recommended Extensions
- FiraCode Font - A monospaced font with ligatures for programming
- Material Icon Theme - Minimal icon set for files
- Bookmarks - Helps you to navigate through your code, moving between important positions easily and quickly.
- GitLens - Visualizes valuable git related information within your code.
- Todo Tree - Searches your project for your tags like TODO and FIXME, and displays them in a tree view in the explorer pane. Can also highlight / colorize line as you want. Here is sample settings for it
"todo-tree.showInExplorer": false,
"todo-tree.tags": [
"todo-tree.defaultHighlight": {
"type": "text"
"todo-tree.customHighlight": {
"TODO:": {
"icon": "check",
"iconColour": "#ff8800",
"foreground": "#ff8800"
"FIXED:": {
"icon": "issue-closed",
"iconColour": "#9251eb",
"foreground": "#9251eb"
"FIXME:": {
"icon": "issue-opened",
"iconColour": "#c80000",
"foreground": "#c80000"
"HACK:": {
"icon": "terminal",
"iconColour": "#00ff00",
"foreground": "#00ff00"
- Bracket Pair Colorizer - Shows matching brackets to be identified with their own colours. Can also show matching pair in gutter which is nice.
"bracketPairColorizer.showBracketsInGutter": true,
"bracketPairColorizer.showHorizontalScopeLine": false,
"bracketPairColorizer.showVerticalScopeLine": false
- Trailing Spaces - Shows all trailing spaces in a nice way. Also has an option to trim only modified lines, so you won't have any headache with merge conflicts.
"trailing-spaces.deleteModifiedLinesOnly": true,
"trailing-spaces.trimOnSave": true,