test.executables |
A glob pattern to find test executables. (Relative to the workspace folder or absolute path.) Empty string means disabled. For more option set testMate.cpp.test.advancedExecutables instead of this. NOTE: if testMate.cpp.test.advancedExecutables is set then this is ignored. |
test.advancedExecutables |
Array of executables with a lot of options. (If this is set then testMate.cpp.test.executables is ignored.) (Details). |
test.workingDirectory |
Sets the working directory of the test executable (relative to the workspace folder or absolute path). Note: testMate.cpp.advancedExecutables overwrites it locally. (Variables) |
test.randomGeneratorSeed |
Shuffles the tests with the given random. Catch2: --rng-seed ( or 'time'); Google Test: --gtest_random_seed=; |
test.runtimeLimit |
[seconds] Test executable is running in a process. In case of an infinite loop it will run forever unless this parameter is set. It applies instantly. (0 means infinite) |
test.parallelExecutionLimit |
Maximizes the number of the parallel test executions. (It applies instantly.) Note: If your executables depend on the same resource exclusively then this could cause a problem. |
test.parallelExecutionOfExecutableLimit |
Maximizes the number of the parallel execution of executables. To enable this just for specific executables use the testMate.cpp.test.advancedExecutables -> parallelizationLimit . The testMate.cpp.test.parallelExecutionLimit is a global limit and this is a local one. Note: If your test cases depend on the same resource exclusively then this could cause a problem. |
discovery.loadOnStartup |
If true, the extension will try to load all the tests after the startup. Otherwise the user has to click on the Test icon on the sidebar to trigger the process. |
discovery.gracePeriodForMissing |
[seconds] Test executables are being watched (only inside the workspace directory). In case of one recompiles it will try to preserve the test states. If compilation reaches timeout it will drop the suite. |
discovery.runtimeLimit |
[seconds] The timeout of the test-executable used to identify it (Calls the exec with --help ). |
discovery.testListCaching |
In case your executable took too much time to list the tests, one can set this. It will preserve the output of --gtest_list_tests --gtest_output=xml:... . (Beware: Older Google Test doesn't support xml test list format.) |
discovery.strictPattern |
Test loading fails if one of the files matched by test.executable is not a test executable. (Helps noticing unexpected crashes/problems under test loading.) |
debug.configTemplate |
Sets the necessary debug configurations and the debug button will work. |
debug.breakOnFailure |
Debugger breaks on failure while debugging the test. Catch2: --break; Google Test: --gtest_break_on_failure; Doctest: --no-breaks |
debug.noThrow |
Skips all assertions that test that an exception is thrown, e.g. REQUIRE_THROWS. This is a Catch2 parameter: --nothrow; |
log.logpanel |
Creates a new output channel and write the log messages there. For debugging. Enabling it could slow down your vscode. |
log.logfile |
Writes the log message into the given file. Empty means disabled. |
gtest.treatGmockWarningAs |
Forces the test to be failed even it is passed if it contains the string GMOCK_WARNING: . (You may should consider using testing::StrictMock) |
gtest.gmockVerbose |
Sets --gmock_verbose=.... (Note: executable has to be linked to gmock gmock_main not gtest_main ) |
taef.teExecutablePath |
Custom executable path for TAEF's TE.exe. If left empty we try to find it in PATH environment variable. |
taef.dbhExecutablePath |
Custom executable path to DBH.exe for finding test's source code location. If left empty we try to find it in PATH environment variable. |