This package is based on the Markdown Note (Zettelkasten Remix) package, made to be a bit more compatible for Zettelkasten workflows most similar to The Archive. User settings and functionality have been reduced drastically from the original package.
Warning: I made this package primarily for myself since The Archive is only made available for MacOS and I wanted to use similar functionality on both Linux and Windows. Additionally, VSCode provides me with Vim keybidings which I love.
Use [[wiki-links]] and backlinks for fast-navigation of markdown notes
Wiki-links will show as [[zettel-id]] and resolve to file name zettel-id - whatever note
Syntax highlighting for [[wiki-links]] and #tags
Autocomplete to any files in the directory when you start typing a [[zettel-id]]
Add timestamp-based IDs before all new files that get generated
Generate new notes with unique timestamp IDs prepended with a single command (vscodeZettelArchive.newNote)
npm install
# bump version number in package.json
npm run vpackage # package the release, creates vsix
npm run vpublish # publish to store, see
# Will prompt for Azure Devops Personal Access Token, get fresh one at:
# On "Error: Failed Request: Unauthorized(401)"
# see:
# The reason for returning 401 was that I didn't set the Accounts setting to all accessible accounts.
To install the vsix locally:
Select Extensions (Ctrl + Shift + X)
Open More Action menu (ellipsis on the top) and click Install from VSIX…