DrakulaDrakula is a dark theme designed for Visual Studio Code. This theme is particularly suited for individuals who appreciate the Dracula color scheme, developed by Zeno Rocha, yet prefer a flatter and darker user interface compared to what is typically offered in most themes utilizing this scheme. It draws inspiration from the Tokyo Night, GitHub Dark, and One Dark Pro themes. Features 🟣 Colors 🟣 Interface 🟣 Installation 🟣 Settings 🟣 Customization 🟣 Links 🟣 Screenshots Key features
Color palettePrimary foregroundPrimary background/UIExtra UI and accentsBright foreground (highlights and terminal)User interfaceUI example (Python)InstallationFrom Marketplace
From Visual Studio Code
Finally, I would greatly appreciate it if you could rate this theme with 5 stars! Suggested settingsEnable JetBrains Mono font (check "Links & recommendation" section below for download link):
Reccomended font size with enabled ligatures:
Smooth cursor behavior and csrolling for better experience:
CustomizationTo customize some UI aspects of this theme open user JSON settings:
In the same way you can alter editor behavior by adiding
Changing backgroundThe following example changes editor background color to a lighter purple variant
Disabling italic font variantBelow is an example of disabling the italic font variant for comments:
Links and recommendations
ScreenshotsJavaScript and PythonRust and C++