condense: integer, will try to fit objects/arrays onto one line. Default 0 (off).
bracesSameLine: boolean, makes braces appear on the same line as the key name. Default false.
emitRootBraces: boolean, show braces for the root object. Default true.
quotes: string, controls how strings are displayed. (setting separator implies "strings")
"min": no quotes whenever possible (default)
"keys": use quotes around keys
"strings": use quotes around string values
"all": use quotes around keys and string values
multiline: string, controls how multiline strings are displayed. (setting quotes implies "off")
"std": strings containing \n are shown in multiline format (default)
"no-tabs": like std but disallow tabs
"off": show in JSON format
separator: boolean, output a comma separator between elements. Default false
space: specifies the indentation of nested structures. If it is a number, it will specify the number of spaces to indent at each level. If it is a string (such as '\t' or ' '), it contains the characters used to indent at each level.
eol: specifies the EOL sequence (default is set by Hjson.setEndOfLine())
colors: boolean, output ascii color codes
serializeDeterministically: boolean, when serializing objects into hjson, order the keys based on their UTF-16 code units order. Default false.