Style Snippets
Styling |
stripnewlines |
Add opening and closing stripnewlines |
endstripnewlines |
Only add closing endstripnewlines tag |
newline |
Add a newline tag |
indent |
Add an indent tag with the possible indentation levels listed |
fontsize |
Add a font tag with the possible options for font-size listed |
fontcolor |
Add a font tag with the hex-colour attribute included |
infotextinline |
Add inline infotext inside ic tags |
infotextblock |
Add full-width infotext inside ic tags |
infotexthover |
Add infotext with the as="hover" attribute |
warningtextinline |
Add inline warningtext inside ic tags |
warningtextblock |
Add full-width warningtext inside ic tags |
warningtexthover |
Add warningtext tag with the as="hover" attribute |
HTML styling |
<p> |
Add opening and closing <p> tags for paragraph text formatting in HTML |
br |
Add an HTML line-break tag |
hr |
Add horizontal rule tag in HTML |
b |
Add opening and closing <b> tags for bold text formatting in HTML |
i |
Add opening and closing <i> tags for italic text formatting in HTML |
u |
Add opening and closing <u> tags for underlined text formatting in HTML |
em |
Add opening and closing <em> tags for emphasized (italic) text formatting in HTML |
strong |
Add opening and closing <strong> tags for strong (bold) text formatting in HTML |
sub |
Add opening and closing <sub> tags for subscript text formatting in HTML |
sup |
Add opening and closing <sup> tags for superscript text formatting in HTML |
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 |
Add opening and closing tags for section heading text formatting in HTML. <h1> is the largest heading and <h6> is the smallest.
Cannot be used inside HTML tables within a Liquid template
a, anchor |
Add opening and closing <a> tags for hyperlink text formatting in HTML |
Tag Snippets
Comments |
comment |
Add opening and closing comment tags |
endcomment |
Only add the closing comment tag |
ic |
Add opening and closing ic tags (input only) |
endic |
Only add the closing ic tag (input only) |
nic |
Add opening and closing nic tags (export only) |
endnic |
Only add the closing nic tag (export only) |
Variables |
assign |
Add an assign tag for variables |
assign [dynamic] |
Add an assign tag for dynamic variables |
capture |
Add opening and closing capture tags |
endcapture |
Only add the closing capture tag |
Translations |
t= |
Set a translation with a default (different languages to be set depending on market) |
t |
Call a defined translation |
Input |
input |
Add a standard text-input |
as:text |
Add the attribute for a textarea input |
as:currency |
Add the attribute for a currency input |
as:currency,invert:true |
Add the attribute for a currency input with inverted value stored in database |
precision: |
Add the sub-attribute to define the precision on a currency input |
as:integer |
Add the attribute for an integer input |
as:percentage |
Add the attribute for a percentage input |
precision: |
Add the sub-attribute to define the precision on a percentage input |
strip_insignificant_zeros |
Add the sub-attribute to strip the final decimal zeros from a percentage value on an input |
as:boolean |
Add the attribute for a boolean input |
autoreload: |
Add the sub-attribute to a boolean input to auto-reload |
as:date |
Add the attribute for a date input |
format: |
Add the sub-attribute to define the date format display inside an input |
as:file |
Add the attribute for a file input |
show_label: |
Add the sub-attribute to add a label to file input field |
max_size: |
Add the sub-attribute to limit size (in MB) of files users can attach |
document |
Add the attribute to show name of the (first) attached documents of a relevant custom value |
documents |
Add the attribute to show names of all attached documents of a relevant custom value |
[some documents].size |
Count number of files attached of a relevant custom value |
[some document].file_name |
Render name of relevant document |
[some document].link |
Render link to preview of relevant document |
as:select |
Add the attribute for a select input |
options: |
Add the options sub-attribute to a select input |
option_values: |
Add the option_values sub-attribute to a select input |
as:account_collection |
Add the attribute for an account collection input |
range: |
Add the range sub-attribute to an account collection input |
placeholder: |
Add the placeholder attribute to an input |
required: |
Add the required attribute to an input |
default: |
Add the default attribute or filter to an input or variable |
import_title: |
Add import_title attribute to _both_ fori loops and inputs within fori loop when importing reconciliation data to distinguish between different collections |
assign: |
Add the assign attribute to assign input value to a variable |
Radio Group |
radiogroup |
Add a radio button input group |
radioinput |
Add individual buttons within a radio button group |
autoreload: |
Add the attribute to a radiogroup tag to auto-reload |
Control Flow |
if |
Add opening and closing if tags |
if else |
Add opening and closing if tags with else statement |
endif |
Only add closing if tag |
else |
Only add else tag |
elsif |
Only add elsif tag |
ifi |
Add opening and closing ifi tags |
endifi |
Only add closing ifi tag |
unless |
Add opening and closing unless tags |
endunless |
Only add closing unless tag |
case |
Add opening and closing case tags with a when and else statement |
endcase |
Only add closing case tag |
when |
Add a when tag that is used within case tags |
Iterations |
for |
Add opening and closing for loop tags |
endfor |
Only add a closing for loop tag |
limit |
Add the limit attribute to a for loop |
offset |
Add the offset attribute to a for loop |
reversed |
Add the reversed attribute to a for loop |
fori |
Add opening and closing fori loop tags |
endfori |
Only add a closing fori loop tag |
import_title |
Add import_title attribute to _both_ fori loops and inputs within fori loop when importing reconciliation data to distinguish between different collections |
forloop.index |
Add the forloop.index variable inside a for loop |
forloop.index0 |
Add the forloop.index0 variable inside a for loop |
forloop.first |
Add the forloop.first variable inside a for loop |
forloop.last |
Add the forloop.last variable inside a for loop |
break |
Add the break tag inside a for loop |
continue |
Add the continue inside a for loop |
Unreconciled |
unreconciled |
Add the unreconciled tag as an indicator with unreconciled text |
unreconciled-withoutindicator |
Add the unreconciled tag as an indicator with unreconciled text |
Result |
result |
Add a result tag |
Rollforward |
rollforward |
Add a rollforward tag |
as:file |
Add as:file attribute to a rollforward tag |
rollforward.period |
Add the rollforward.period variable |
Locale |
locale |
Add opening and closing locale tags |
endlocale |
Only add closing locale tag |
Include |
include |
Add a tag to include a local or shared part |
Linkto |
linkto |
Add opening and closing linkto tags |
endlinkto |
Only add closing linkto tag |
target: |
Add a target attribute to a linkto tag |
new_tab: |
Add a new_tab attribute to a linkto tag |
as:button |
Add the attribute for a button to a linkto tag |
target |
Add a target tag with an id |
Adjustment Button |
adjustmentbutton |
Add opening and closing adjustmentbutton tags |
adjustmentbuttonwithpurpose |
Add an adjustmentbutton tag with a purpose attribute |
endadjustmentbutton |
Only add closing adjustmentbutton tag |
adjustmenttransaction |
Add adjustmenttransaction tag |
Group |
group |
Add a closing and opening group tag inside nic tags |
Add New Inputs |
addnewinputs |
Add opening and closing addnewinputs tags |
endaddnewinputs |
Only add closing addnewinputs tag |
Signmarker |
signmarker |
Add a signmarker tag |
Push & Pop |
push |
Add a push tag |
pop |
Add a pop tag |
Change Orientation |
changeorientation |
Add a changeorientation tag |
Currency Configuration |
currencyconfiguration |
Add opening and closing currencyconfiguration tags with the possible attributes |
endcurrencyconfiguration |
Only add closing currencyconfiguration tag |
zero_format |
Add attribute to set format of zeroes to "0" or "-" |
negative_format |
Add attribute to set format of negative numbers to "-xxx" or "(xxx)" |
precision |
Add attribute to set number of decimal places |
delimiter |
Add attribute to set style of delimiters to "x,xxx", "", "xxxx", or "x xxx" |
separator |
Add attribute to set style of decimal separator to either "x,xx" or "x.xx" |
New Page |
newpage |
Add a newpage tag to signify the start of a new page in the PDF export with optional orientation attribute |
section_break |
Add the attribute to create section breaks within input mode |
Drops Snippets
Accounts Drops |
Return an accounts drop with only specified accounts type |
accounts.count |
Return number of account drops in the accounts drop |
accounts.credit_value |
Return sum of credit value of all accounts in the accounts drop |
accounts.debit_value |
Return sum of debit value of all accounts in rhe accounts drop |
accounts.first |
Return the first account drop of the accounts drop |
accounts.include_zeros |
Return an accounts drop that includes all accounts, including those with a zero balance | |
Return the name of the first account in this drop |
p_and_l_rounding_difference ,
Display the exact Profit & Loss/ Balance Sheet rounding difference when using the core rounding functionality |
accounts. p_and_l_rounding_account ,
accounts. bs_rounding_account
Return the account drop where the Profit & Loss/ Balance Sheet rounding difference is stored |
return_values_in_millions |
Display the value of the individual account drops in the created accounts drop in millions |
Display the value of the individual account drops in the created accounts drop in thousands |
accounts.value |
Return the sum of all values for all accounts in this accounts drop for this period |
Company Drops |
Returns drop with information about dimensions/companies in an analytical/consolidation file | |
Return the city from the company settings |
company.company_form |
Return the company form from the company settings |
company.company_type |
Return the company type from company settings | |
Return the country from the company settings |
company.country_code |
Return the country code based upon the country from the company settings |
company.currency |
Return the currency code from the company settings |
company.custom |
Attach custom information to a company, independant of the period |
company.file_code |
Return the file number from the company settings |
company.locales |
Return the available languages for the company | |
Return the company name from the company settings |
company.periods_per_year |
Returns 1,4,12 depending on the reporting frequency (yearly, quarterly or monthly) |
company.postalcode |
Return the post code from the company settings |
company.street |
Return the street from the company settings |
company.vat_identifier |
Return the vat identifier from the company settings |
people.count |
Return of count of number of person drops within the people drop (can also use with directors and shareholders drops) |
people.first |
Return first the person drop in the people drop (can also use with directors and shareholders drops) |
Add the filter for directors which returns those directors active during the book year |
Add the filter for directors which returns those directors active in a specific date |
Period Drops |
period.accounts |
Return an accounts drop of all accounts with bookings on this period |
Return the name of the mapping list used for this period |
Return the id of the mapping list on firm level |
Return the id of the mapping list on the marketplace |
period.adjustments |
Return adjustments drop of all adjustments for the period |
period.bookyear_index |
Return the index number of the current book year as an integer. The first book year equals 1 |
period.calendar_years |
Add the method to add an array of all calendar years in the fiscal year. The information for each calendar year is:
start_date, end_date, amount_of_days for the number of days the bookyear has in the calendar year, and amount_of_days_in_full_year for the total number of days in the calendar year
period.custom |
Attach custom information to a period. This is done automatically in reconciliations |
period.directors |
Return a people drop of all individuals who are directors |
period.end_date |
Return the date this period ends |
period.exists |
Return true when the period exists in the Silverfin database |
period.fiscal_year |
Return the fiscal year of this period |
period.is_first_year |
Return true if the period is in the first book year of this client file |
period.month_end_dates |
Return an array of all the end dates of the calendar months in this fiscal year | |
Return the name of the period |
period.people |
Return the people drop of all people attached to the period (typically copied from general company level)
period.reconciliations |
Return a reconciliations drop of all reconciliations for this period. You can ask for a specific reconciliation by adding the handle. I.e. period.reconciliations.the_handle.
period.reports |
Return a reports drop of all reports for this period. You can ask for a specific report by adding the handle. I.e. period.reports.the_handle |
period.shareholders |
Return a people drop of all individuals who are shareholders |
period.start_date |
Return the date this period starts |
period.year_end |
Return the period at the end of the fiscal year this period is in |
period.year_end_date |
Return the date of the end of the fiscal year of this period |
period.year_start_date |
Return the date of the start of the fiscal year of this period |
period.minus__xp/y |
Return the period drop of the current period minus the amount of periods or years defined |
period.plus__xp/y |
Return the period drop of the current period plus the amount of periods or years defined |
Reconciliations Drops |
reconciliations.count |
Returns the number of active reconciliations |
[reconciliation_handle] *
Return the specific reconcilaition with matching handle
* Don't actually use the word handle but use that handle of the specific reconciliation instead
| |
Return reconciliations drop of all starred reconciliations |
User Drops | |
Return name of the current Silverfin user | |
Return email address of the current Silverfin user |
Filter Snippets
Allow False |
allow_false |
Add the filter to allow falsy values not to be overwritten by defaults |
Array |
concat |
Add filter to combine two arrays |
split |
Add filter to split a String into an array |
first |
Add filter to return the first value of an array |
last |
Add filter to return the last value of an array |
join |
Add filter to transform an array into a String |
sort |
Add filter to sort an array alphabetically |
uniq |
Add filter to remove duplicate values from an array |
reverse |
Add filter to reverse order of items in an array |
Collection |
concat |
Add filter to combine two collections |
map |
Add filter to create array from collection |
range |
Add filter to accounts collection to return accounts in a given range |
group_by |
Add filter to group items of collection by a specified field |
index_by |
Add filter to reference item by an alternate index |
where |
Add filter to create array from collection, only including items which meet specified condition |
analytical_code |
Add filter to accounts collection to return accounts for specified dimension/company code |
add_rounding_difference |
Add filter to accounts collection to remove (and reallocate) decimal values |
Date and Time |
date:"%d/%m/%Y" |
Add filter for standard BE date formatting (DD/MM/YYYY) |
date:"%F" |
Add filter for ISO date formatting (YYYY-MM-DD) |
"now" |
Display today's date |
localized_date |
Display a date according to the time-zone from where template is being executed |
advance_years |
Add filter to advance date by specified number of years |
advance_months |
Add filter to advance date by specified number of months |
advance_weeks |
Add filter to advance date by specified number of weeks |
advance_days |
Add filter to advance date by specified number of days |
advance_hours |
Add filter to advance date by specified number of hours |
advance_minutes |
Add filter to advance date by specified number of minutes |
advance_seconds |
Add filter to advance date by specified number of seconds |
retract_years |
Add filter to retract date by specified number of years |
retract_months |
Add filter to retract date by specified number of months |
retract_weeks |
Add filter to retract date by specified number of weeks |
retract_days |
Add filter to retract date by specified number of days |
retract_hours |
Add filter to retract date by specified number of hours |
retract_minutes |
Add filter to retract date by specified number of minutes |
retract_seconds |
Add filter to retract date by specified number of seconds |
Localized |
localized |
Add filter on custom input drop with localized attribute, to retrieve value in local language |
localized: |
Add functionality to a text input only, to store text in local language |
Number |
abs |
Add filter to return the absolute value of a number |
ABS (function) |
Add function to return absolute value from wrapped input |
ceil |
Add filter to return value rounded-up |
floor |
Add filter to return value rounded-down |
currency |
Add filter to return a value in the currency format |
invert |
Add filter to invert value of inputed accounts - only works with currency filter |
integer |
Add filter to convert value to the nearest whole number |
INT (function) |
Add function to convert wrapped input to nearest whole number |
percentage |
Add filter to return value as percentage |
number_to_human |
Add filter to convert inputted accounts into combination of integers + English words e.g. "287 Thousand" |
number_to_currency |
Add filter to convert a string value to the currency format |
round |
Add filter to return s rounded value (with default of two decimal places) |
modulo |
Add filter to divide value by a number and return the remainder |
MAX (function) |
Add the MAX function to return the largest value of an array of numbers |
MIN (function) |
Add the MIN function to return the smallest value in an array of numbers |
at_least |
Add filter to limit input to a minimum value |
at_most |
Add filter to limit input to a maximum value |
String |
remove |
Add filter to removes substring from a given string |
replace |
Add filter to replace substring A with substring B within a given string |
upcase |
Add filter to transform all letters of a given string into uppercase |
downcase |
Add filter to transform all letters of a given string into lowercase |
capitalize |
Add filter to capitalise each word in a given string |
append |
Add filter to attach String B to the end of String A |
prepend |
Add filter to attach String B at the start of String B |
size |
Add filter to return the number of characters within a given String |
strip |
Add filter to string any whitespaces at the start and end of a given string |
default |
Add attribute to a string variable to return a default value if no value stored in the variable |
slice |
Add filter to return a substring of a given String, beginning from a certain index for a certain length |
newline_to_br / multiline_table |
Add filter to replace every newline character ("\n") with an HTML line break ("<br>") |
string_value |
Add filter to return a value from a variable or drop as a String rather than the inferred data type |
url_encode |
Add filter to replace any URL-unsafe character with three characters: a percent sign and the corresponding Hex value of the character replaced |
url_decode |
Add filter to decode a String encoded by the above url_encode filter |
strip_html |
Add filter to remove any HTML tags from a String |
md5 |
Converts a string into an MD5 hash |
transliterate |
Transliterates strings based on the Unicoder library |
Table Snippets
HTML Elements |
Table Elements |
table |
Add snippet for a minimal HTML table with a header, body, and width classes defined |
thead |
Add opening and closing <thead> tags for an HTML table |
tbody |
Add opening and closing <tbody> tags for an HTML table |
tr |
Add opening and closing <tr> tags for an HTML table with nested <td> elements |
th |
Add opening and closing <th> tags for an HTML table |
td |
Add opening and closing <td> tags for an HTML table |
Text Formatting Elements |
br |
Add an HTML line-break tag |
b |
Add opening and closing <b> tags for bold text formatting in HTML |
i |
Add opening and closing <i> tags for italic text formatting in HTML |
u |
Add opening and closing <u> tags for underlined text formatting in HTML |
em |
Add opening and closing <em> tags for emphasized (italic) text formatting in HTML |
sub |
Add opening and closing <sub> tags for subscript text formatting in HTML |
sup |
Add opening and closing <sup> tags for superscript text formatting in HTML |
HTML Attributes |
class |
Add class attribute to HTML elements |
colspan |
Add colspan attribute to HTML <td> or <th> element |
CSS Classes |
Alignment Classes |
usr-width- |
Add usr-width-* class to set element width |
usr-align-left |
Add usr-align-left class to align text left |
usr-align-center |
Add usr-align-center class to align text center |
usr-align-right |
Add usr-align-right class to align text right |
usr-align-justify |
Add usr-align-justify class to justify text |
usr-valign-top |
Add usr-valign-top class to vertically align content to top |
usr-valign-center |
Add usr-valign-center class to vertically align content to center |
usr-valign-bottom |
Add usr-valign-bottom class to vertically align content to bottom |
Border Classes |
usr-line-top |
Add usr-line-top class to add a top border |
usr-line-bottom |
Add usr-line-bottom class to add a bottom border |
usr-line-left |
Add usr-line-left class to add a left border |
usr-line-right |
Add usr-line-right class to add a right border |
usr-double-line-top |
Add usr-double-line-top class to add a double top border |
usr-double-line-bottom |
Add usr-double-line-bottom class to add a double bottom border |
usr-double-line-left |
Add usr-double-line-left class to add a double left border |
usr-double-line-right |
Add usr-double-line-right class to add a double right border |
Color and Styling Classes |
usr-border-color-* |
Add class to set table cell border color in Hex |
usr-background-color-* |
Add class to set table cell background color in Hex |
usr-indent-* |
Add usr-indent-* class to indent content |
usr-repeated-header |
Add usr-repeated-header class to repeat table header on new pages in PDF export |
usr-no-left-padding |
Add usr-no-left-padding class to remove default left padding |
usr-grayed-out-background-input |
Add class to set table cell background to gray |
usr-grayed-out-line-bottom-input |
Add class to set faint table cell bottom lines |
usr-hide-samepage-header |
Add usr-hide-samepage-header class to hide header when content continues on same page |