Create a folder for each dictionary you want to display and visualize.
The created folder for each dictionary should contains the following file to work :
folder Documents : where you can add any markdown (.md) file you want that help you understand your data.
folder Mappings : where you can add csv file of the corresponding name (in Capital letter) of the corresponding variable in the file (list_vars_by_tables.csv).
folder Tables : where you can add markdown (.md) file of the corresponding tables (in Capital letter) of on of the corresponding tables in the file (list_tables.csv).
file list_tabs.csv : where you have relevant information of the list of tables you want to display. The mandatory column are:
name : name of the tables
description : some explanation on the table
file list_vars_by_tabs.csv : where you have relevant information on the differents columns of the tables. The mandatory column are:
table : the corresponding table in the file list_tabs.csv
vars : name of the columns in the corresponding table
description : some explanations of the variable (can be empty)
key : (not relevant) allow the know if the variable is part of the key in the tables
type : (not relevant) allow to knos the type of the variable (for example : num, date, char ....)