with this vscode extension you can set up the shell commands be to executed periodically.
Supported Settings:
Shell Commands
the shell commands to be execute periodically. You can split commands by ; or new line.
The default command is git pull, it can solve the problem Merge branch 'master' of which is caused by not pulling in time automatically.
Execute Interval
you can set up the this as a negtive number, that will stop all command executions for all workspaces.
Error Handle
the meaning of default setting is that if the text in [[]] as error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge is found in error message after commands in Shell Commands is executed, the following commands as git stash push --include-untracked -m git_pull_conflit;git pull;git stash pop; will be executed. You can set up the mutiple error messages and the corresponding handle commands like this format.
Available Commands:
stop shell commands execution in current workspace
restart shell commands execution in current workspace
可以在vscode中按F1后执行stop shell commands execution in current workspace命令后停止在当前运行目录执行终端命令。
执行start shell commands execution in current workspace命令可以重新开始当前运行目录的终端命令执行。
Error Handle的默认设置的意思是当命令执行后的出错信息包含[[]]中的消息“error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge”时,自动执行后续的终端命令git stash push --include-untracked -m git_pull_conflit;git pull;git stash pop;。
即当前的文件修改和git pull的远程仓库文件有冲突报错时,先执行git stash贮藏你的修改,接着执行git pull拉取最新代码,最后执行git stash pop恢复你的修改。