PHPUnit in Docker Extension for VS Code
This extension was developed with the assistance of AI tools.
Run PHPUnit tests inside Docker containers directly from VS Code's Test Explorer UI.

- 🐳 Execute PHPUnit tests in Docker containers
- 🔍 Automatic test discovery based on file patterns
- ▶️ Run tests at multiple levels (file, class, method)
- 🐛 Debug support with Xdebug integration
- 📋 Rich error reporting with source locations
- 📂 Configurable container paths and PHPUnit locations
- Install the extension from VS Code Marketplace
- Ensure your Docker container is running with your PHP project mounted
- Configure the extension settings (see below)
Open VS Code settings (Ctrl+,) and configure under "PHPUnit in Docker":
phpunitDocker.containerName : Required
Your Docker container name (e.g. my-php-container )
phpunitDocker.containerPath : Path inside container where project is mounted
(Default: /var/www/app )
phpunitDocker.phpunitPath : Path to PHPUnit executable
(Default: vendor/bin/phpunit )
phpunitDocker.testFilePattern : Glob pattern for test files
(Default: **/*Test.php )
- Open the Test Explorer (View → Testing)
- Tests will automatically discover from your project
- Use the run/debug icons next to:
- Individual test methods
- Test classes
- Entire test files
Debugging Tests
- Ensure Xdebug is configured in your Docker container
- Set breakpoints in your test files
- Use the "Debug" profile from the Test Explorer
- VS Code will automatically attach to the debugger
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