Plain Text Diagram - Syntax HighlightingSyntax highlighting for See the official Plain Text Diagrams blog post for information on PT Diagrams and the official syntax. See below for an example of a class diagram and a sequence diagram in PT Diagrams format. What are PT Diagrams?PT Diagrams is a simple text notation for creating text 'diagrams' - they aren't really diagrams but are nested, indented text files that can be rapidly parsed by the human eye to gain a high level understanding of a software system. Structural: For example classes and files are listed with their data and behaviour - try to see them as boxes. Some class relationships are indicated with arrows. Behavioural: Sequence 'diagrams' are constructed via an indented pseudo code format. Function calls are shown with arrows, return types are shown with
Then just open a file with a FeaturesSyntax highlighting and folding for Format your RequirementsJust open a file with a Extension SettingsNone Known IssuesSome aspects of the syntax highlighting could be improved, like expressions. Highlighting of brackets inside text descriptions is not perfect. This is because the vscode setting
is causing yellow bracket highlighting despite my grammar. In other words, its not the fault of the grammar, but the fault of the vscode setting. Solution is to disable bracket pair colorization in your settings.json:
Release NotesSee PT Diagrams SyntaxSee the official Plain Text Diagrams blog post for information on PT Diagrams and the official syntax. Enjoy! |