vscode-perfect-css-modulesA vscode extension for css-modules language server. Feature
Snapshotautocompletego to definitiondiagnosticvue sfc autocompleteadd module config in style, also support import other style file from local or node_modules
support autocomplete for $style in template support autocomplete for $style in script and support es module style vue sfc go to definitionin vue sfc file goto style file how to config in vue project
how to config in react project
ImportsThe behavior is the same as less loader webpack resolver. You can import your Less modules from
Configperfect-css-modules.rootDirSpecifies the root directory of input files relative to project workspace, including js, ts, css, less. Defaults to ., you can set /src. perfect-css-modules.camelCaseExport Classnames in camelOnly or dashesOnly. perfect-css-modules.styleFilesToScanGlob for files to watch and scan. Defaults to **/*.{less,css}. perfect-css-modules.jsFilesToScanGlob for files to watch and scan. Defaults to **/*.{js,ts,jsx,tsx} perfect-css-modules.modulesPathSpecifies the node_modules directory. Defaults to ./node_modules. See Imports. perfect-css-modules.enableDiagnosticenable diagnostic, Defaults to true TODO