Markdown Blog Companion Extension
A markdown extension which is a companion to my markdown-blog.
A new markdown file will be created in the current directory with the required Yaml front-matter required to display the blog's articles.
It can be used with my blog application or as a standalone extension to quickly create a markdown article with the Front matter already preconfigured.
- Create a new markdown file in the current directory
- Yaml front-matter parsing
- External yaml configuration
- Auto update on save (can be turned off in config)
ctrl + shift + p
to open vscode command palette and search for Markdown Blog: Create File
Or inside the active text editor press ctrl + shift + c
user prompt accepts a file name of markdown type. If no extension is provided it will be assumed to be markdown and added automatically.
Prefered file name format is
or a-title-of-your-article
, if filename is not sluggified it will be sluggified automatically.
As an example a filename of a new article
will become
(optional) using external yaml configuration
In order to use an external yaml configuration file, you can add a markdown-blog.yaml
file to the root of your project and then use the following command:
Markdown Blog: Create File
Yaml front-matter config example
The markdown-blog.yaml file should look like this:
title: How To Send data from a Vue Page to a persistent Layout
published_at: 2023-07-30T00:39:00+03:00
updated_at: 2023-08-02T22:56:00+03:00
type: article
description: How to send data from a vue page to a persistent layout in Laravel + inertiajs
link: /2023/2023-07-30-how-to-send-data-from-page-to-layout
image: /images/2023-07-31-04-22-45.png
tags: [vue, inertia, laravel, php, blog, layout]
The published_at
and updated_at
fields can be left empty since they will be automatically generated.
The title
and link
will also be automatically generated according to user input.
To install an extension, run the following command:
code --install-extension markdown-blog-extension-0.4.0.vsix
or download from Visual studio marketplace: Marketplace
Release Notes
Initial release of the extension
- Added Yaml front-matter config file parsing.
The extension will search for a file called
and will parse the front-matter from it. The file needs to be in a correct yaml format.
- Fixed issue with userinput containing spaces
- Fixed issue with user input not ending with a
- Fixed date time formatting
- Changed user prompt to be more explanatory
- Added auto update field feature
- Code cleanup
- Changed and optimized autoupdater to work only on the first occurence of
- Added extension configuration
Future plans
- [x] Add external yaml configuration
- [x] Update Yaml front-matter on save
- [x] Add config option to turn off auto update