Original Project by NightrainsRbx
Make sure you don't have both Lua by sumneko, Roblox LSP and RSLS installed.
More Info
VSCode Extension
[x] Exact Synapse scripting utility environment
[x] Exact Roblox Environment
[x] Support for Luau Syntax
[x] Roblox Classes and Datatypes
[x] Support for Rojo
[x] Support for Roact, Rodux, TestEz, AeroGameFramework and Knit
[x] Autocompletion of Datamodel descendants
[x] Auto-updatable API
[x] Intellisense for Modules
[x] Custom Diagnostics for Roblox Classes
[x] Color3 Preview and Picker
[x] Goto Definition
[x] Find All References
[x] Hover
[x] Diagnostics
[x] Rename
[x] Auto Completion
[x] IntelliSense
[x] Signature Help
[x] Document Symbols
[x] Workspace Symbols
[x] Syntax Check
[x] Highlight
[x] Code Action
[x] EmmyLua Annotation
[x] Multi Workspace
[x] Semantic Tokens
Youtube demo: https://youtu.be/blZZXe1cbas
How to modify intelisense amd extension:
- Go into the client dir in a terminal and enter the command
npm i .
- modify the files in the server/libs/@rbx
- done!!!
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