VSCode Borderless
VS Code Extension to hide/show window's title bar on Windows platform
- Press
shift +F12 to set all visible windows borderless
- Press
shift +F11 to restore window's title bar
You can always modify those default hotkeys.
You can choose to autohide borders on application startup with setting.
borderless.autoenable when set to true, the extension will auto apply on application startup.
You can also choose among three different borderless modes on borderless.bordertype config setting:
borderless : no borders at all
bordersizable : border can still allow to resize with mouse
bordersimple : shows a simple border line
NOTICE that Aero Snap still works on all modes, so hotkeys Win+<arrow keys> will maximize, restore, move to screen sides.
Known bugs
- Sometimes it might fail to load, just reload the vscode window and wait before pressing the above hotkeys (or the assigned)
- Sometimes after a lot of switching from borderless mode to normal mode, a gap in the top of the window will appear.
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