jinja-lsp enhances minijinja development experience by providing Helix/Nvim users with advanced features such as autocomplete, syntax highlighting, hover, goto definition, code actions and linting. Installation
FeaturesAutocompleteIntelligent suggestions for variables in current template, as well as variables, templates and filters defined on backend side. LintingHighlights errors and potential bugs in your jinja templates. Hover PreviewSee the complete filter or variable description by hovering over it. Code ActionsIt's recommended to reset variables on server in case you rename/delete file. Goto DefinitionQuickly jump to definition. Works for Rust identifiers as well. https://github.com/uros-5/jinja-lsp/assets/59397844/015e47b4-b6f6-47c0-8504-5ce79ebafb00 SnippetsDocument symbolsConfigurationLanguage server configuration
Helix configuration
Supported languages: Python, Rust |