RightLines VS Code Extension
RightLines adds commands to Visual Studio Code to identify interesting lines, and clean up files by removing lines in a variety of ways.
Install RightLines like any other extension in VS Code, or check it out here: RightLines on the VS Code Marketplace.
Mark This Line
Mark This Line
marks the line where the cursor currently sits.
Clear RightLines Marks
Clear RightLines Marks
removes all of the marks added to lines by RightLines.
Mark A Specific Line
Mark A Specific Line...
prompts you to enter the line number of a line to add a mark to.
Mark Lines Containing
Mark Lines Containing...
prompts you to enter a string, and marks any lines containing that string.
Mark Lines Containing Selected Text
Mark Lines Containing Selected Text
will mark any lines containing the text you have selected.
Delete Lines Containing
Delete Lines Containing...
prompts you to enter a string, and deletes any lines containing that string.
Delete Lines Containing Selected Text
Delete Lines Containing Selected Text
will delete any lines containing the text you have selected.
Delete Empty Lines
Delete Empty Lines
will do exactly what it promises to do 😁.
Mark Duplicate Lines
Mark Duplicate Lines
will mark any lines that exist more than once in the document, regardless of leading or trailing whitespace.
Mark Duplicate Lines (skip first occurrence)
Mark Duplicate Lines (skip first occurrence)
will mark any lines that exist more than once in the document, regardless of leading or trailing, but won't mark the first instance of each duplicate line.
Delete Duplicate Lines (keep first occurrence)
Delete Duplicate Lines (keep first occurrence)
will delete any duplicated lines in the document, except for the first occurrence of the line, ignoring leading and trailing whitespace.
Delete Duplicate Lines (keep last occurrence)
Delete Duplicate Lines (keep last occurrence)
will delete any duplicated lines in the document except for the last occurrence of the line, ignoring leading and trailing whitespace.