Flutter MVVM Architecture Generator
VsCode extension to generate boilerplate code when using the latest Stacked plugin using Providers
- Create a new flutter project and open it in visual studio code
- Press Ctrl + Shift + P and command browser window will open
- Type the following commands to generate the codes
How to build
Initialising Project architecture
- "Initialise Project Architecture" to create the following project structure.
|-- android
|-- assets
| -- animations
| -- fonts
| -- images
| -- misc
|-- build
|-- ios
|-- lib
|-- core
|-- base
|-- base_model.dart
|-- base_service.dart
|-- models
|-- services
|-- navigation_service.dart
|-- dev_assets
|-- helpers
|-- theme
|-- views
|-- main
|-- main_desktop.dart
|-- main_mobile.dart
|-- main_tablet.dart
|-- main_view_model.dart
|-- main_view.dart
|-- widgets
|-- test
|-- .gitignore
|-- pubspec.yaml
It will also add the following dependencies to the pubspec.yaml
- responsive_builder: ^0.4.1
- provider: ^5.0.0
- logger: ^1.0.0
- get_it: ^6.1.0
- equatable: ^2.0.0
- stacked: ^1.5.0
- page_transition: ^2.0.1-nullsafety.0
Create View
- "Create View" to create a new view folder
The create view command will add a View, a ViewModel and the responsive variants for Tablet, Mobile and Desktop.
You can create sub folders for views.
If you give parameter for class name as intro/splash/demo
, the extension will create a directory structure like this
|-- android
|-- ios
|-- lib
|-- core
|-- views
|-- intro
|-- splash
|-- demo
|-- demo_view.dart
|-- demo_view_model.dart
|-- demo_tablet.dart
|-- demo_mobile.dart
|-- demo_desktop.dart
|-- main.dart
|-- theme
|-- main.dart
|-- test
|-- pubspec.yaml
- "Create Widgets" to create a new view folder
This command will create a Widget in the lib/widgets
folder with the initial boilerplate and responsive variants.
Note : When creating widget we also support plural view models . For example, if you generate you view in plurals, you can also add plural letter in the widget too.
Example :
Create Views > conversations
Create Widgets > conversation_item > yes will link ViewModel correctly