Dark-Simple dark themes, based on the default Dark (Visual Studio) and Dark Modern themes but with less syntax highlight. RationaleThese themes keeps the familiar workbench look of the Dark (Visual Studio), Dark+, and Dark Modern. On top of that, these themes dim the whitespace, the ruler, and the line numbers to improve the contrast with the actual code. The comments color is changed to gray from the default green. ThemesDark-The Dark- syntax theme highlights comments, constants, keywords, and strings (basically: the minimum to easily spot mispelled keywords and non terminated strings). This syntax theme is available in four different workbench theme variations:
Dark--The Dark-- syntax theme highlights just comments. This syntax theme is available in the Dark-- (Visual Studio) workbench theme variation only. Screenshots
CustomizationsPrevious Dark- versions featured some customizations over the workbench look of Dark (Visual Studio) and Dark+ (such as a less bright status bar). Those customizations have been removed from the theme for simplicity and consistency. Users can now tweak the themes according their particular taste. Suggestions
CreditstheNestruo (Néstor Sancho). |