Teddy EditorWYSIWYG markdown editor extension for Visual Studio Code (VS Code) seamlessly integrated with Teddy. Table of Contents1. Introduction 1. IntroductionThe Teddy Editor is a WYSIWYG markdown editor extension for Visual Studio Code (VS Code), forked from zaaack/vscode-markdown-editor, that is seamlessly integrated with Teddy. It enables content editors to manage and build static sites, using Teddy, entirely within VS Code. 2. PrerequisitesPlease ensure that the following required software services are installed in your environment.
3. InstallationMarketplace InstallationTo install the Teddy Editor extension via the Visual Studio marketplace (recommended), please follow the instructions below.
The direct link to the extension in the Visual Studio marketplace is as follows: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=teddyful.teddy-editor Manual InstallationTo manually install the Teddy Editor extension, please follow the instructions below.
4. ConfigurationIn order to build static sites using Teddy from within VS Code, the Teddy Editor extension must be properly configured.
5. UsageMarkdown EditorTo open the Teddy Editor, simply right-click on any markdown file in the Explorer view in VS Code, and select 'Open with Teddy' from the resultant context menu. BuildTo build the configured static site, simply select the button with the Teddy icon found in the toolbar of the Teddy Editor. 6. CreditsTeddy Editor is a fork of the fantastic Markdown Editor VS Code extension created by Zack Young (zaaack) which in turn uses the amazing Vditor in-browser Markdown editor. Please check out both of these wonderful open-source software projects and, if you are able, consider donating to them to support the awesome open-source community.
7. Further InformationFor further information, please visit teddyful.com. |