Minimal VSCode Extension to scan the .env file properties from the root folder of the project and create/update workspace's settings.json on maven.terminal.customEnv configuration automatically with the expected format of environmentVariable & value, which will be prefixed with maven commands when executed from the vscode maven lifecycle.
In addition an entry to launch.json also will be made, pointing to the .env file under the specific workspace for Java projects to directly to prefix the properties on being executed with main class.
That's it, that's all it does. Just that I'm lazy enough to do them manually everytime, this comes in place 🤗 !!
Installation (local mode)
Download the .vsix pre-compiled extension from this repo here or you can fork to compile one with your customizations.
Place the downloaded .vsix file inside a folder and open the folder in vscode.
Right click on .vsix file -> Install Extension.
Place your valid .env file with environment properties in root folder.
Every change will to .env file will be automatically watched actively and updated in settings.json's maven.terminal.customEnv config.
Optional: Hit ctrl + shift + p to open vscode command palatte and search for Scan Maven DotEnv to run the scan manually.