Purstel Theme
Purstel is a dark purple theme featuring pastel highlights. Partially created with Theme Studio.
To download this theme, you can visit the Visual Studio Code Marketplace, or search Purstel
in Visual Studio Code.
To select this theme, open the command pallete:
Ctrl + Shift + P
On Linux and Windows
⌘ + Shift + P
on MacoOS
Begin typing theme
and select Preferences: Color Theme
. Once the extension is installed, a Purstel
option will appear.
You can toggle semantic italics for certain keywords in the extension settings, or by changing purstel.useSemanticItalics
in your settings.json
The full list of scopes italicized by this setting is available within the extension.ts file.
The repository for this theme is available on Github.
Note: screenshot does not feature semantic italics.
Color Palette
Color |
Use |
#f38ba8 |
Keywords, Error Squiggles, Diff Editor Removed, Terminal Red |
#f9e2af |
Classes, Constants, Warning Squiggles, Terminal Yellow |
#a6e3a1 |
Strings, Diff Editor Inserted, Terminal Green |
#94e2d5 |
Numbers, Operators, Special Functions, Terminal Cyan |
#89b4fa |
Functions, Methods, Active Links, Info Squiggles, Terminal Bright Blue |
#f5c2e7 |
Variables, Properties, Buttons, Terminal Magenta |
#bac2de |
Editor Foreground, Terminal White |
#45475a |
Terminal Black |
#ebcdf4 |
General Foreground |
#15111b |
Theme Background |
Color pallete uses place-hold.it | Copyright © Synanesthetics 2024