Welcome to
Snippet | Prefix | Description |
ArrayCreate | !_ArrayCreate | Create and initialize a 1D array as example. |
ArrayCreate2d | !_ArrayCreate2d | Create and initialize a 2d array as example. |
ArrayDisplay | !_ArrayDisplay | Default _ArrayDisplay with the array name as title. |
ArrayItemsToString | !_ArrayItemsToString | Combines all array items to a string. Similar to _ArrayToString function, but simpler. |
FileContentToArray | !_FileContentToArray | File content or multiline string to array. |
FilterEmptyLinesFromArray | !_FilterEmptyLinesFromArray | Remove empty strings from array. |
GetCount | !_GetCount | Get array index count. |
SortColumnSequenceOf2dArray | !_SortColumnSequenceOf2dArray | Sort column sequence alphabetically of a multidimensional array. |
TransformToZeroBasedArray | !_TransformToZeroBasedArray | Transform an array which starts on index one to a zero based array. |
Snippets with "convert" related context
Snippet | Prefix | Description |
Base64ToBinary | !_Base64ToBinary | Convert a Base64 string to a binary string (vString). |
BinaryToBase64 | !_BinaryToBase64 | Reads a binary file and convert to Base64 string. |
ConvertBinToInt | !_ConvertBinToInt | Convert binary to integer. |
ConvertHexToInt | !_ConvertHexToInt | Convert hex to integer. |
ConvertIntToBin | !_ConvertIntToBin | Convert integer to binary. |
ConvertIntToHex | !_ConvertIntToHex | Convert integer to hex. |
ConvertIntToOct | !_ConvertIntToOct | Convert integer to octal number. |
HexColorInvert | !_HexColorInvert | Invert the given hex color. |
Snippets with "crypt" related context
Snippet | Prefix | Description |
DecryptFromUtf16LittleEndian | !_DecryptFromUtf16LittleEndian | Decrypt from UTF16 Little Endian (UTF-16LE). |
DecryptString | !_DecryptString | Decrypt a encrypted string by your default crypt key to be human readable. |
EncryptString | !_EncryptString | Encrypt string by your default crypt key to encrypted unreadable string. |
EncryptToUtf16LittleEndian | !_EncryptToUtf16LittleEndian | Encrypt to UTF16 Little Endian (UTF-16LE). |
Snippets with "date" related context
Snippet | Prefix | Description |
CalendarWeekToDays | !_CalendarWeekToDays | Get an array of days from the given calendar week. |
GetDateDiffByBoundary | !_GetDateDiffByBoundary | Get date diff by boundary (e. g. 90 days from the current day). |
GetDateTime | !_GetDateTime | Get current date and time as a timestamp. |
GetHHMMSSOfSeconds | !_GetHHMMSSOfSeconds | Get hours, minutes and seconds of given seconds (reverse of _GetSecondsOfHHMMSS). |
GetSecondsOfHHMMSS | !_GetSecondsOfHHMMSS | Get seconds of given hours, minutes and seconds (reverse of _GetHHMMSSOfSeconds). |
GetTimerDiffInSecOrMin | !_GetTimerDiffInSecOrMin | Get timer diff in seconds or minutes. |
Snippets with "debug" related context
Snippet | Prefix | Description |
DoesFunctionExists | !_DoesFunctionExists | Check function exists by name of the function in the given file. |
GetListOfAllFunctions | !_GetListOfAllFunctions | List all functions of the given file to an array. |
GetListOfAllVariables | !_GetListOfAllVariables | List all variables of the given file to an array. |
Snippets with "file" related context
Snippet | Prefix | Description |
AddBackslashToPathEnd | !_AddBackslashToPathEnd | Ensure trailing backslash for a path. |
AppendToFile | !_AppendToFile | Append text to file. |
CreateFileWithSpecificSize | !_CreateFileWithSpecificSize | Create a dummy file with a specific file size. |
ExistsNotAllowedCharacters | !_ExistsNotAllowedCharacters | Check string for not allowed characters regarding a file renaming action. |
FileExistsBranch | !_FileExistsBranch | Check condition for file or directory exists. |
GetFileContent | !_GetFileContent | Get file content to string. |
GetFileProperties | !_GetFileProperties | Get all possible file properties to array. |
GetFilePropertyValue | !_GetFilePropertyValue | Get specific file property value. |
GetFileShare | !_GetFileShare | Get a list of FileShares as array. |
GetJustFileExtension | !_GetJustFileExtension | Get just the file extension of a file name or file path. |
GetJustFileName | !_GetJustFileName | Get just the file name of a file path (including the file extension). |
GetJustPathOfFile | !_GetJustPathOfFile | Get just the path of a file. |
IsFileInUse | !_IsFileInUse | Check is file in use by another process. |
OpenFolder | !_OpenFolder | Open a given folder. |
RelativeToAbsolutePath | !_RelativeToAbsolutePath | Resolve relative path to absolute path. |
SaveBinaryToFile | !_SaveBinaryToFile | Create a binary file out of a binary string (vString). See _Base64ToBinary function. |
SetMaxDirectories | !_SetMaxDirectories | Remove directories until the maximum count of directories is reached (e. g. for log directories with a timestamp as name). |
SetMaxFiles | !_SetMaxFiles | Remove files until the maximum count of files is reached (e. g. for log files with a timestamp as name). |
SortFileByAscOrDesc | !_SortFileByAscOrDesc | Sort file content ascending or descending. |
WriteFile | !_WriteFile | Create or overwrite a file with the given content. |
Snippets with "game" related context
Snippet | Prefix | Description |
GetDistanceByPythagoras | !_GetDistanceByPythagoras | Get the distance from one point to an other point by Pythagoras. |
IsKeyPressed | !_IsKeyPressed | Indicates that a key of the keyboard is pressed. Returns the boolean. |
IsKeyReleased | !_IsKeyReleased | Indicates that a key of the keyboard was released after it was pressed. Returns the boolean. |
IsPointPositionBetween | !_IsPointPositionBetween | Detects whether the position of a point is between two other positions. |
Snippets with "gui" related context
Snippet | Prefix | Description |
GetLabelSize | !_GetLabelSize | Get the label size (with or height in pixel). |
GetMouseWheelMovementDirection | !_GetMouseWheelMovementDirection | Get the mouse wheel movement direction (mouse wheel detection) on the created GUI. |
GetRandomColor | !_GetRandomColor | Get random color as html hex color (#) or as variant color (0x). |
GetTaskbarHeight | !_GetTaskbarHeight | Get the height of windows taskbar. |
GetWindowHandle | !_GetWindowHandle | Get window handle by title. |
GuiAllowedInputs | !_GuiAllowedInputs | Control GUI input data by allowed input values (keystrokes). |
GuiAnimation | !_GuiAnimation | Animates GUI appearance or disappearance by specific slide animations. |
GuiControlCreateBorder | !_GuiControlCreateBorder | Creates a colored border for a specific control like label or for the whole GUI. |
GuiFadeIn | !_GuiFadeIn | Fade GUI window in. |
GuiFadeOut | !_GuiFadeOut | Fade GUI window out. |
GuiInputFilterWMCommand | !_GuiInputFilterWMCommand | Watch and filter specific GUI input controls by specific RegEx pattern. |
GuiSetWinToCenter | !_GuiSetWinToCenter | Set window to center on screen. |
GuiWindowShakeAsHint | !_GuiWindowShakeAsHint | Let the window shake a bit as a popup hint. |
IsFocusOnGui | !_IsFocusOnGui | Is given GUI in focus (window exists, window is visible, window is enabled and window is active). |
IsMouseOnGui | !_IsMouseOnGui | Is mouse over the GUI. |
SetVisualStateOfStartBar | !_SetVisualStateOfStartBar | Toggle visual state of the windows start bar. |
ShowToolTipInfo | !_ShowToolTipInfo | Show tool tip text with padding. |
StartBarToggle | !_StartBarToggle | Show or hide windows start bar. |
ToggleControlVisibility | !_ToggleControlVisibility | Toggle the visibility of an control depending of it's current state. |
Snippets with "math" related context
Snippet | Prefix | Description |
Get_GreatestCommonDivisor_LeastCommonMultiple | !_Get_GreatestCommonDivisor_LeastCommonMultiple | Get 'greatest common divisor' and 'least common multiple' of to numbers. |
IsNumberOdd | !_IsNumberOdd | Is number odd or even. |
KilometresToMiles | !_KilometresToMiles | Calculates the miles of given kilometers. |
MilesToKilometres | !_MilesToKilometres | Calculates the kilometers of given miles. |
Snippets with "misc" related context
Snippet | Prefix | Description |
DeleteCurrentScriptAfterRun | !_DeleteCurrentScriptAfterRun | Delete current script after execution (after run). |
GetMacOrIpAddress | !_GetMacOrIpAddress | Get MAC address or if not found the IP address. |
GetMonitorResolution | !_GetMonitorResolution | Get monitor resolution data as array. |
GetProcessPathByPid | !_GetProcessPathByPid | Get process path by process id (PID). |
MsgBoxWithoutStop | !_MsgBoxWithoutStop | Show a message box without stop/pause the program execution. |
RunProgram | !_RunProgram | Runs external program with or without parameter in a quite robust way. |
SetDisplayResolution | !_SetDisplayResolution | Set display resolution to specific display width and height. |
TalkOverPcVoice | !_TalkOverPcVoice | Let the computer read out your text by the use of the SAPI API. |
Template | !_Template | Creates a short script template to structure your code. |
ToggleDesktopIcons | !_ToggleDesktopIcons | Toggles the visibility of the desktop icons. |
Snippets with "mouseKeyboard" related context
Snippet | Prefix | Description |
DrawRecordedMouseMovesFromFile | !_DrawRecordedMouseMovesFromFile | Draw recorded mouse moves (like a curve) from data of a file (see function _RecordMouseMovesToConsole). |
MouseDragAndDrop | !_MouseDragAndDrop | Drag and drop mouse action. Mouse click, dragging to the target position and release (drop) mouse key. |
PressKeyOrSendStringSeveralTimes | !_PressKeyOrSendStringSeveralTimes | Press key (keystroke) or send a string several times. |
RecordMouseMovesToConsole | !_RecordMouseMovesToConsole | Record mouse move as 'MouseMove(...)' string to console. Which is a preparation step for function _DrawRecordedMouseMovesFromFile. |
Snippets with "output" related context
Snippet | Prefix | Description |
ConsoleWriteUnicodeChars | !_ConsoleWriteUnicodeChars | Write Unicode characters to the console. |
GetAutoItEnvironmentInfos | !_GetAutoItEnvironmentInfos | Get AutoIt environment information. |
GetCommandLineOutput | !_GetCommandLineOutput | Read command line output (result of a given command) to string. |
GetComputerInfos | !_GetComputerInfos | Get computer information. |
NewLine | !_NewLine | Get one newline (carriage return and line feed) by default or multiple newlines by optional parameter. |
!_Print | Extends the default ConsoleWrite function by a default line break and optionally by start- and trailing pipe sign for better notice of whitespaces. |
Snippets with "string" related context
Snippet | Prefix | Description |
CreateRandomText | !_CreateRandomText | Create a random text (string based on different modi). |
GetGuid | !_GetGuid | Get a valid GUID. |
GetGuidSegment | !_GetGuidSegment | Get GUID segment which is used in function _GetGuid. |
GetUniqueMachineGuidString | !_GetUniqueMachineGuidString | Get unique machine guid as string. |
NormalizeStringLength | !_NormalizeStringLength | Normalize string length for a good looking table like output result. |
SplitStringByCountToArray | !_SplitStringByCountToArray | Split a long string by defined count to an array. |
StringProperWithoutSpaces | !_StringProperWithoutSpaces | Reformat the given string to proper case without spaces ('This string will be reformated to proper case without spaces' => 'ThisStringWillBeReformatedToProperCaseWithoutSpaces'). |
StringProperWithSpaces | !_StringProperWithSpaces | Reformat the given string to proper case with spaces ('ThisStringWillBeReformatedToStringProperCaseWithSpaces' => 'This String Will Be Reformated To String Proper Case With Spaces'). |
Snippets with "zip" related context
Snippet | Prefix | Description |
CreateZipArchive | !_CreateZipArchive | Creates a zip archive by windows built in functionality. |
ExtractZipArchive | !_ExtractZipArchive | Extract a zip archive by windows built in functionality. |
ExtractZipVia7z | !_ExtractZipVia7z | Extract zip archive by 7z call. |
Getting started
Actually there is no real precondition for this snippet extension. But without using the snippets, it wouldn't make much sense. That's why I recommend to install the "AutoIt language extension for Visual Studio Code" by "Damien".
Variant 1 - by VSCode:
- Click the extensions button in VSCode and type in "AutoIt Snippets".
- Select the one by "Sven Seyfert".
Variant 2 - by VSCode launch:
Quick open:
- Linux:
- MacOS:
- Windows:
- Linux:
Paste the following command and press enter:
ext install sven-seyfert.autoit-snippets
Variant 3 - by Visual Studio Marketplace:
- Go to the AutoIt Snippets on the Visual Studio Marketplace
- Install
See the animated GIFs in the "Features" section above.
When your current file in VSCode is in "AutoIt language mode" then just type the trigger key !_
and the VSCode IntelliSense (Auto-Completion mode) will give you the snippets overview.
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Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.