TailpileTranspile tailwindcss into purecss files on save.
📦 InstallationInstall via VSCode Marketplace ➜ ⚠️ Note:
✨ FeaturesNestingSupport nested css styles using tailwindcss/nesting. AutoprefixTailpile use autoprefixer to add vendor prefixes. OptimizeTailpile use clean-css to optimize css and save file size. 🎛️ CommandsTailpile: Install Tailwind CSSBy default, tailpile has tailwindcss@v2.2.19 built-in. This command will install the latest(or)next version of tailwindcss. 🛠️ Settingtailpile.outputThe output directory for the transpiled css files. (Note: Set the path relative from workspace root.)
tailpile.browsersThe browsers you target for transpiled css. This can either be a browserslist query or
tailpile.packageManagerThe package manager to use for installing tailwindcss. Possible values are
tailpile.tailwindcss.versionTailwindCSS version tag to install with Install Tailwind CSS command. Either
tailpile.tailwindcss.configThe path for the tailwindcss configuration file, defaults to
⚠️ The purge content path must be absolute path.