See the commands in the header ("..." - also here)
Execute the one you need
Command palette:
Open command palette (CMD/ctrl + shift + P)
Type "gwh"
See the available commands
Execute the one you need
Commit All - Commits all staged files in each repository
Push All - Pushes all commits in each repository
Merge All To Current Branch - Merges branch by name to all repositories current branch
Pull All - Pulls coming code in each repository
Create branch - Creates new branch for for all selected repositories
Configure Active Repositories - Sets active repositories which will be used for other listed commands. By default all repositories in workspace are selected
Checkout To Commit - switches repository to the specific commit + switches other repositories to the closest by the date commits.
Checkout To Branch - switches repository to the specific branch. If branch is not found it stays as it is.
Checkout To Default Branch - switches each repository to the default branches. The default branch can be configured in VSCode settings
Discard Changes - Discard changes in each repository
Stage All - Stages all changes in each repository
Unstage All - Unstages all changes in each repository
Just simply execute: yarn install and you are ready to go