This is the repository for VS Code extension for BIF.
Format Document (Shift + Alt + F)
Format Selection (Ctrl + K Ctrl + F)
Find all references (Shift + Alt + F12)
Peek references (Shift + F12)
Go to Definition (F12)
Peek Definition (Alt + F12)
Map current view (Ctrl + M)
Syntax highlighting
Block commenting (Ctrl + K + C and Ctrl + K + U)
Snippet completion
Open premapped bxml view based in GUID
Before using the extension, it is recommended to set up the following
Go to File > Preferences > Settings and in the settings for Biffy configure these values
conf.biffy.bifSource - The path to BIF Source.
In case the configuration is empty, the current workspace root folder is used to find the required references.
eg C:\Code\Git\Katipo\BIF-Source
conf.biffy.mapperBinPath - The path to the bin > Debug/Release folder of SI.ProArcMapper project. In case the configuration is empty, it will not be possible to perform on-the-fly mapping of BIF views
eg C:\Code\Git\Katipo\SI.ProArcMapper\bin\Debug
conf.biffy.mappedViewColumn - Selecting Active opens the mapped view in the same editor window as the current one. Selecting Beside opens the mapped view in the editor column next to the active window.
Key Bindings
biffy.mapObject - Generates a merged preview of the current active document.
Default is Ctrl + M
biffy.generateGuid - Generate GUIDs.
Default us Ctrl + Alt + G