Snippy VS Code ExtensionSnippy is an extension built to speed up development in VS Code. Have you ever found yourself creating similar files over and over again? Maybe you are on a team and want to share code snippets with each other that you can simply drop into the editor? These are some of the problems that led to the development of Snippy. Installation 💻
What's a Snippy ❓A Snippy can either be a file template or a code snippet that you create on the Web App and can then reuse inside VS Code. At this time, only templates are available so the terms are used interchangeably. Templates 🎨Templates are a combination of files/folders that you use often. Consider a React component which often has a file structure like so:
Instead of creating the folder, then the files, then writing the boilerplate code... you could use a Snippy template that generates this in a few seconds. Creating A Template
PromptsYou can define prompts when creating your templates which are variables you can use in your file/folder names or within the file content. This allows your boilerplate templates to be dynamic. Example:
{{ name }}.tsx
Template Case ConvertersIf you want to convert the case of a prompt value, you can make use of the following converter helpers:
Example: Using A Template
Workspaces ⚒Everyone is assigned a default workspace with their Snippy account. You can create additional workspaces to help organize your Snippys and invite other members to share and collaborate. Changing Workspaces In VS CodeIf you are signed in on the extension, you will see your active workspace in the bottom status bar. Clicking the status bar will open up a list of your workspaces, which you can then select to change into that workspace. Roadmap 🗺