Click-to-Add Vue Component Template for VS Code
Adds "Create Vue Component" to VS Code File Explorer right-click menu
Creates a blank Vue single file component in the folder of your choosing.
- Capitalizes component names and converts snake_case to PascalCase.
- Checks if the component name you've chosen is a known HTML tag and, if so, prepends it with
- Generates a random component name if you don't feel like coming up with one.
- Inserts component name into template.
- Checks if the file already exists so there are no accidental overwrites.
- Allows you to specify a default style language.
export default {
name: '[componentName]',
components: {},
props: {},
data() {
return {}
mounted() {},
beforeDestroy() {},
methods: {}
<style lang="[styleLang]" scoped></style>
Press ⇧⌘X
and search for selfagency.vue-component-template
or, from the command line:
code --install-extension selfagency.vue-component-template
Right-click on a folder in the File Explorer pane and select, or press ⇧⌘P
and type, Create Vue Component
You can specify a default style language (CSS, SASS, Less, Stylus, etc.) via the Settings UI or directly in settings.json
"vue-component-template.defaultStyleLang": "scss"
👤 Daniel Sieradski
Icon by JunGSa from the Noun Project.
🤝 Contributing
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check issues page.
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