Pomodoro Edit for VSCode
Pomodoro Timer with the simplest text syntax.
Marketplace: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=seitotanaka.vscode-pomodoro-edit
# four pomodoros
- [ ] [(25m✍️ 5m☕️)4] xxx
# four pomodoros and then take a long break
- [ ] [((25m✍️ 5m☕️)4 20m🛌)] xxx
# single timer
- [ ] [25m] xxx
Syntax details
💡Ctrl+Space: Autocomplete above syntax
Start timer
- [ ] [(25m 5m)4] xxx (when after save, start timer)
Finish timer
- [x] [(25m 5m)4] xxx
Pause timer
- [ ] [-(25m 5m)4] xxx
Retry timer
- [ ] [(25m 5m)4] xxx. (when after enter dots and save, retry timer)
If multiple timers are required, pause the next timer beforehand so that the timer does not start unintentionally.
- [x] [(25m 5m)4] xxx
- [ ] [-(25m 5m)4] yyy
- [ ] [-(25m 5m)4] zzz
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