Syntax highlighting for the GROQ query language is available in the following situations:
Files with the .groq extension
Fenced code blocks in Markdown with the groq tag
Tagged template literals with the groq tag
Queries using the defineQuery method
Template literals prefixed with the /* groq */ comment
Template literals starting with a // groq comment
Execute GROQ-queries
When GROQ-queries are detected, the extension will allow you to run the query and displays the result as JSON in a separate tab.
The project ID and dataset used is determined by finding sanity.cli.ts in the workspace. If multiple files are found, the extension will prompt you to select one.
If the GROQ file/query has any variables, then extension asks for a relative filename of a JSON-file containing an object of key-value mappings. It autofills the param filename based on the current file with a .json extension, if it exists.
Install the VSCode Extension. This extension adds syntax highlighting for GROQ-files and groq tags.