Kubernetes Pod File System Explorer and extras VSCode extension
This extension extends the Clusters explorer view provided by Microsoft's Kubernetes extension. It enables viewing of container filesystems and vieweing and copying files to and from the container filesystem. It adds additional commands and additional tree nodes to the Cluster Explorer tree view.
It supports the following commands:
Command |
Treenode Type |
Description |
k8s.node.terminal (Terminal) |
Node |
Start a shell into Node using nsenter. User must set the kubernetes-file-system-explorer.nsenter-image preference value to point to a nsenter image of choice e.g. jpetazzo/nsenter:latest . Preferably use jpetazzo/nsenter@sha256:9a5758441e7929abcff9f13a69b4ca962063ec89b818395f02b7b7e8150ca088 to use cached image. |
k8s.pod.container.terminal (Terminal) |
Container |
Starts a shell in the Container. It basically runs:
kubectl exec -it pod-name -c containername -- sh |
k8s.pod.container.folder.find (Find) |
Container Folder Node |
Show the output of find folderpath in editor. It basically runs:
kubectl exec -it pod-name -c containername -- find /path/to/folder |
k8s.pod.container.folder.ls-al (ls -al) |
Container Folder Node |
Show the output of ls -al folderpath in editor. It basically runs:
kubectl exec -it pod-name -c containername -- ls -al /path/to/folder |
k8s.pod.container.folder.cp-from (kubectl cp from) |
Container Folder Node |
kubectl cp from FolderNode to a local folder |
k8s.pod.container.folder.cp-to-from-folder (kubectl cp to from folder) |
Container Folder Node |
kubectl cp from a local folder to the FolderNode |
k8s.pod.container.folder.cp-to-from-file (ls -al) |
Container Folder Node |
kubectl cp from a local file to the FolderNode |
k8s.pod.container.file.view (View file) |
Container File Node |
Show the contents of the file in editor. It basically runs:
kubectl exec -it pod-name -c containername -- cat /path/to/file |
k8s.pod.container.file.tail-f (tail -f) |
Container File Node |
Tail -f the contents of the file in terminal. It basically runs:
kubectl exec -it pod-name -c containername -- tail -f /path/to/file . That way you can tail arbitrary files. |
k8s.pod.container.file.cp-from (kubectl cp from) |
Container File Node |
kubectl cp from FileNode to a local folder |
This extension adds tree nodes for the Kubernetes Init Containers, Containers and filesystem of the Kubernetes Containers under the Pod node in the Kubernetes Explorer View. Simply expands the treenode for a Pod to see it's Init Containers, Containers and Container filesystem. For example, the following screenshot shows the:
- the
- the
- the
container's file system
View file
command in the context menu of /etc/bash.bashrc
file content loaded in a editor tab

How the file system explorer works
It basically starts at /
by running the following Kubectl command in the container to get the file listing:
kubectl exec -it pod-name -c containername -- ls -f /
As the tree nodes for directories are expanded e.g. /etc/
, it basically runs:
kubectl exec -it pod-name -c containername -- ls -f /etc/
to get listing of files and created tree nodes for them.
This extension works with Microsoft Kubernetes extension.
Known Issues
Release Notes
Initial release.
See also