
This VSCode extension allows creating custom directory tries, by passing specific arguments.
For using it, just right click on any directory within you working space, and pick the Get tree representation
menu item.
Then you can choose between 2 option:
- Quick one (will use default configurations from the plugin settings)
- Custom one (you can customize tree max deep and filters want to use)
This extension generates .tree
files, so these can be used with the tree extension
How to use it
To just using the extension quickly, click on any folder in the working directory, pick the Get tree representation
menu item, and then click No
when ask you if want to use custom configuration:

But also you can customize the following things:
- Tree's maximum deep
- Filter to IGNORE directories and file matching pattern
- Filter to ONLY choose directories and files matching pattern
- Charset to use. We can choose between
, utf-8
and utf-8
with icons (default). This is a plugin configuration.
- If want to ignore items by using the
file. This is a plugin configuration.
- If we want to show some indicator if directory is empty or not when we get at the maximum tree level. We can show
or nothing. This is a plugin configuration.
Tree's deep
The first custom configuration that we can use is a number meaning the maximum deep of the tree we want get. By default it will take the value from the plugins settings (Default Max Level
Ignore filter
The second custom configuration that we can use is a text filter to indicate the items we want to ignore from the directory tree.
We can set global filters or filter by level. For example, in this filter aa, bb, 0:ddd, 2:file
, we want to say: exclude items matching aa
and bb
, also exclude all matching ddd
at level 0
, and all matching file
at level 2
In the following image we ignore all items matching the pattern d

And here we apply the ignore filter by specifying ccc, 2:d
, meaning "exclude all items matching ccc
and all items matching d
in the second level of the tree":

Only filter
The third custom configuration is a text filter to indicate that we ONLY want to get items matching this filter.
We can define this in the same way than we do with the Ignore Filter
. In this way, aa, bb, 0:ddd, 2:file
means: we want ONLY items matching aa
and bb
, but also in level 0 can include items matching ddd
and in level 2 can include items matching file
In this example we only want items matching b, d, c

In this example we got the complete route to a file:

Show not-empty directory indicator
By default we show three dots (...
) when we got the maximum directory deep in the tree and the directory is not empty. We can change this to show nothing:

We can change the charset to use to generate the tree in the plugin configuration:

Ignoring .gitignore
We can decide if ignore items (or not) in the .gitignore
file by changing the plugin configurations:

This extensions is implemented by using the library tree-extended. You can check it to find a more detailed documentation, and also, you can use it directly from your terminal by installing it globally as a npm package.
Extension Settings
This extension contributes the following settings:
: When the directory tree is pruned at the maximum deep we can show an indicator (...
) which means the directory is not empty
: Charset used to render the directory tree.
: Ignore files and directories defined in the .gitignore file.
: The default maximum deep level the generated directory tree will have.
: Filter to exclude folders or files in an optional tree level, e.g.: 'window, 0:red cat, 1:blue sky'.
: Filter to only include folders or files in an optional tree level, e.g.: 'window, 0:red cat, 1:blue sky'.
Known Issues
- Needs i18n translation to other languages.
- Pending to implement test.
Release Notes
First Release! A working extensions that can be used to generate customized directory text tries. Has a known issue with the ONLY filters which give priority to global filters over level filters.