An extension to seemlessly manage large workspaces
🖋 Inspiration
Getting lost while working with a large workspace is a real problem. It can get hard to find files and folders of workspace in explorer view. Multiple open folder tress can eat up your explorer view space.
Lucid workspace aims to help you declutter. It provides you with an intuitive way to only see what is important.
🚀 Get started
lucid-workspace activates when there is an open workspace folder.
When active, lucid-workspace can be found at Explorer.
1 - the welcome page
This is the welcome screen. Add Workspace Folder to see the tree view.
This hides the folder tree from Explorer, but can be viewed here
2 - add to active view
Active View refers to all the visible files in the Explorer.
Select files/folders from Lucid Workspace view to add to Active View.
You should view the selected file/folder in Explorer view.
3 - remove from active view
Select the files/folders, added peviously from Lucid Workspace view, to remove form Explorer view.
4 - buttons
Button to add a workspace folder to Lucid Workspace.
Button to refresh Lucid Workspace view.
Button to remove folder from Lucid Workspace.
lucid-ws.folders: All the workspaces folders added to Lucid Workspace
lucid-ws.filters: All files/folders to unhide from Explorer View
Add to active view: Add a file/folder to active view.
Remove from active view: Remove file/folder from active view.
Add Workspace Folder: Add a workspace folder to Lucid Workspace
Remove Workspace Folder: Remove a workspace folder from Lucid Workspace
Refresh Tree View: Refresh the tree view of Lucid Workspace