Coding is typing
A vscode extension to help increasing the coding (or typing) speed.
From marketplace
- Visit here or search
Coding is typing in vscode marketplace
- Download the
coding-is-typing-*.vsix package here
- Open vscode extensions (shift + ctrl + x)
- Click
... on the right corner of the side bar and select install from VSIX...
- Select the
coding-is-typing-*.vsix package to install
- Open a document as the active editor in vscode
- Press
F1 and select Coding is typing: Enable codeTyping
- Type to cover the red text
- Click
start , stop , reset buttons to control the speed monitor
Build from source
- Open this example in VS Code 1.25+
npm install
npm run watch or npm run compile
F5 to start debugging
- Run the
Coding is typing: Enable codeTyping
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