Red Hat Authentication
Provides authentication support for Red Hat accounts in Visual Studio Code.
const session = await authentication.getSession('redhat-account-auth', ['openid'], { createIfNone: true });
if (session) {
// use access token
An interactive test scenario is available. It requires a user account and it will rely on the local web browser. You can run it with:
npm run interactive-test
supports Node 18 or greater.
In a terminal, run:
npm install
npx vsce package
Install the generated vscode-redhat-account-*.vsix file.
With your approval, the Red Hat Authentication
extension collects anonymous usage data and sends it to Red Hat servers to help improve our products and services.
Read our privacy statement to learn more.
This extension respects the redhat.telemetry.enabled
setting, which you can learn more about at https://github.com/redhat-developer/vscode-redhat-telemetry#how-to-disable-telemetry-reporting
CI Builds
- Go to the CI Workflow page,
- Click on the latest successful build
- Download and unzip the latest vscode-redhat-account artifact
- Install the vscode-redhat-account-*.vsix file.
Copyright (c) Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
Licensed under the MIT license.