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A vscode extension to help you navigate easily through your Hocon includes.
I created this extension for a personal use case, you can easily adapt the codebase to your need/files format.
To downoad the extension: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=rachidba.includes-navigation .
Features & Usage
[x] Navigate to the included item with the shortcut: Crtl+i (Cmd+i on mac)
[x] Find all items that include the current file with shortcut: Crtl+r (Cmd+r on mac)
[ ] View the include tree of the current item
Running the extension locally
Clone the repository
Run npm install
in terminal to install dependencies
Run the Run Extension
target in the Debug View. This will:
Start a task npm: watch
to compile the code
Run the extension in a new VS Code window