💡 Recommended to use with Switch2Cursor in IDEA

🔍 Project Overview
A Cursor extension that enhances development efficiency by enabling smooth switching between Cursor and IDEA
🌟 Features
- 🚀 Seamless Editor Switching
- One-click switching between Cursor and IDEA
- Automatically positions to the same cursor location (line and column)
- Perfectly maintains editing context without interrupting workflow
- ⌨️ Convenient Shortcut Support
- macOS:
Option+Shift+P - Open project in IDEA
Option+Shift+O - Open current file in IDEA
- Windows:
Alt+Shift+P - Open project in IDEA
Alt+Shift+O - Open current file in IDEA
- 🔧 Multiple Access Methods
- Keyboard shortcuts
- Editor context menu
- File explorer context menu
🛠️ Installation Guide
Method 1: Install from Extension Marketplace
- Click here to install
- Search for "Switch2IDEA" in the Cursor extension marketplace and install
Method 2: Local Installation
- Download the latest extension package
- In Cursor, select
Extensions → ... → Install from VSIX
- Select the downloaded extension package to complete installation
🚀 Usage Instructions
Basic Usage
Open Project
- Shortcut:
- Context Menu: Right-click in file explorer →
Open Project in IDEA
Open Current File
- Shortcut:
- Context Menu:
- Right-click in editor →
Open File in IDEA
- Right-click in file explorer →
Open File in IDEA
Open Cursor settings, click General → Editor → open editor settings → Extensions → Switch2IDEA → Idea Path
- macOS: Automatically traverses common IDEA installation paths
- Windows: Default
C:\Program Files\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA\bin\idea64.exe
- Linux: Default
- Cursor 1.93.1+
- IntelliJ IDEA or other JetBrains IDEs
🧑💻 Developer Guide
Issues and Pull Requests are welcome to improve this extension.
Please check the following steps:
- Open Cursor settings, click
General → Editor → open editor settings → Extensions → Switch2IDEA
- Verify that Idea Path is correctly configured to IDEA's executable path
2. Does it support jumping to other IDEs?
Yes, you can configure Idea Path to the executable path of other JetBrains IDEs
3. How to define different IDEs for different projects?
You can configure IDE paths separately for each workspace:
- Open Cursor settings, click
General → Editor → open editor settings
- Select the
Workspace tab
- Navigate to
Extensions → Switch2IDEA → ideaPath
- Enter the IDE path needed for that project
Configuration examples:
- Frontend project: Configure WebStorm path
- Spring Boot project: Configure IDEA path
- Python project: Configure PyCharm path
📄 License
This project is licensed under the MIT License
📮 Feedback
If you encounter issues or have suggestions, please provide feedback through:
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